GREATER FLAGSTONE is supposed to be one of Queensland's "master planned satellite cities" with planning decisions made by state government - not local councils.
Yet Queensland Government agency DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING has not included local community in any of its planning meetings for North Maclean proposed Enterprise Precinct. There have obviously been detailed meetings with local government Logan City Council and developers as revealed when DAs are added to EDQ website for PDAs.
Currently a seach shows that there are 11 applications relating to Greater Flagstone and 30 applications that have been approved - some in Pub Lane, Teviot Road, Jimboomba, North Maclean, Undullah, Kagaru, New Beith, Cedar Grove. There has never been any community consultation arranged for these 31 applications and as a "master planned city" there is NO CONCEPT PLAN for the "city" which is devoid of adequate infrastructure.
Public notification has not been well displayed - if at all.
820 Greenbank Road is DEV2015/727 by The Planning Place Lot 2 on RP868726 has 14 documents
Action Community has delayed a decision date for 15-20 days after 27 January - apparently an extension granted by applicant?
This gives community and concerned residents more time to make further representations to EDQ state MPs and local politicans.
See a sample letter attached which you might like to use as a guide. It reflects issues that LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Inc has.
“A proposal to establish a single area for light industries may be favourably considered in the Maclean area ” (Beaudesert Shire Council Strategic Plan 1996)
Pre 1996 North Maclean was zoned rural residential – industrial use was not compatible in this area
1996 Beaudesert shire council changed the zoning of an area at North Maclean to industry on their strategic plan. There was never any community consultation about the suitability of industry in an existing rural residential area.
July 2005 SEQRP released identifying Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Area (Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Area) for further investigation
October 2005 Office of Urban Management OUM (State Government) Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Investigation for South-East Queensland Regional Plan ( SEQRP Amendment 1). North Maclean Enterprise Precinct (industrial area) extended from the Mt Lindesay Highway to the Greenbank interstate railway line.
Jan-March 2006 A community group north Beaudesert Shire Action Group NBSAG surveyed almost 1000 people - 89% opposed industry at North Maclean.
North Maclean Enterprise Precinct was added to the South-East Queensland Regional Plan (Amendment 2006).
March 2007 Beaudesert Shire Council ordinary meeting moved –
“there is no need or justification for the North Maclean Enterprise Precinct …industrial land can be met in other developments across the shire”
May 2007 Beaudesert shire council requested the OUM remove the North Maclean industrial area –
“it is constrained by powerlines, flooding and environmental considerations, plus the need for buffering to nearby rural residential areas …North Maclean is not required…the area should be removed from the SEQRP”
Documentation relating to North Maclean Enterprise Precinct claims there has been "extensive" community consultation.
All documents are available from links at
Can you provide a comment about level of opportunity for community consultation you had for
North Maclean? It has been a difficult process to follow with multiple name changes. Who would think that Greater Flagstone included North Maclean?
It is at least 8 kilometres away and shares no adjacent suburb boundary or even same POSTCODE?
A "North Maclean" search of this website for Logan and Albert Conservation Association Inc LACA will produce many articles which together reveal that community has had issues with level of consultation available. There is a timelime here
included in article
COMMUNITY PLANS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS - state government directive
Queensland Government requires all local councils to consult wih community and produce a document called a community plan. Timeframe for completion is December 2011 - unless council has been granted an extension - as is the case with LOGAN CITY COUNCIL which has until 2013.
SCENIC RIM REGIONAL COUNCIL is currently collecting your vision for the future. This is where you are invited to have your say.
A draft master plan has been prepared to guide the future development of Logan West Parklands, which will be located minutes from the Park Ridge town centre on the Mt Lindesay Highway Service Road, next to Park Ridge High School.
Council officers will be available at the following locations to discuss the master plan.
Council officers will be available to discuss the master plan. Last opportunity to comment on the Draft Landscape Master Plan with planners is at Park Ridge Village Mt Lindesay Hwy Service Rd Thursday 22 July 2 pm to 4 pm.
Documents council have currentl made available can be viewed or downloaded from this page.
What is not included for our background studies is the Flora and Fauna Management Plan. This is a contentious issue as such documents are essential components to all development plans - but are most often not readily accessible.
This is being envisioned as a tourist mecca. As such the online feedback at ask the following - most of which focus on the built environment and not the natural environment. Management of each and scenic amenity of each is vastly different.
What activities or facilities would make you and your family spend the day at Logan West Parklands?
What would be in your dream playground that we can include here?
What outdoor events would you like to see at Logan West Parklands?
Do you have any other comments, ideas or suggestions?
How could the environment centre become a valued asset for the Logan community?
The FAQs offer some suggestions you might like to comment on.
KOREN HELBIG reporter from Albert and Logan News published our concerns in 25 November 2009 edition. She also provided an opportunity for Logan City Council to comment. Copy here alb005.pdf
A NEW group lobbying against a large housing development planned for Bahrs Scrub has likened the Logan City Council proposal to the Traveston Dam debacle. Save Bahrs Scrub spokeswoman Petrina Maizey said thousands of ratepayer dollars would be wasted on preliminary studies and impact statements needed to assess the 4000-lot development's viability.
She said such studies would prove that the 510ha zone bordered by Wuraga and Sharton Roads was environmentally significant and that ‘‘exceptional'' flora and fauna must be protected.
‘‘Ratepayers' money will have to be used by the council only to find what our preliminary investigations and other studies have already made abundantly clear - hat this development is not viable physically, environmentally or economically on 70 to 80 per cent of the selected site,'' Ms Maizey said.
The black plum of Bahrs Scrub Pouteria Eerwah is listed as a federally endangered plant. In another area of Logan we have another plant commonly called Veresdale Plum - also Pouteria Eerwah and LACA, Logan and Albert Conservation Association, has established a recovery and management plan for that species.
Unfortunately this media coverage - as many before it uses the term 'market gardens' and 'intensive horticulture' as if they mean the same thing! Ask any horticulturalist or organic gardening industry person and he or she can point out the many differences in farming practices, methodology and crops grown. Most of us do not take much more interest in the fruit and vegetables we eat than the price.
The article below reproduces the text from as reported by Judith Maisey 19 November 2009 online edition.
TOUGHER regulations on market gardens by Logan City Council could send some growers broke, industry insiders warn.
Growing Wiser spokeswoman and herb grower Lisa Crooks said the industry was already heavily regulated by federal, state and local governments.
Save Bahrs Scrub
Public Meeting Invitation
Do you want to lose unique bushland with koalas, platypus and rare plants to yet more urban development?
This is the proposed fate of Bahrs Scrub.
If your answer is NO!, Gecko, LACA, BREC and Wildlife Logan invite you to attend an important public meeting to be held at:
Windaroo Valley State High School
Beenleigh Beaudesert Rd, Windaroo
Thursday November 5, 2009 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
The four peak environment groups are determined, with your help, to protect for all time this important and unique area, and hope to establish the Save Bahrs Scrub community group. The Bahrs Scrub precinct, once proposed as a National Park, has been known for more than two decades to be a hotspot for a variety of wildlife, including koala and platypus, and rare vegetation, including newly discovered species.
Despite this knowledge, Bahrs Scrub has been fast-tracked by the SEQ Regional Plan as a Local Development Area within Logan City Council, projected to accommodate 11,000 residents.
Major conservation councils, Gecko - Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council, and BREC - Brisbane Region Environment Council, and peak groups, Logan & Albert Conservation Association and Wildlife Logan have come together to promote responsible outcomes for Bahrs Scrub which preserve the area's unique, extremely high conservation values and acknowledge multiple development constraints.
We need your support to Save Bahrs Scrub!
If you are interested and unable to attend this meeting please contact us at