LACA endeavours to preserve the local fauna.
Latest update from RSPCA about
Logan Wildlife Ambulance.
The setup of the Logan Wildlife Ambulance is well underway. A core group of 23 dedicated volunteers have been recruited and have completed their RSPCA volunteer orientation. As soon as the ambulance vehicle is delivered the on-road training of the volunteers will begin - only a week or 2 away now. The volunteers and the RSPCA are looking forward to making a difference to the sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in and around the Logan Shire. At this stage we are not actively recruiting more volunteers but if you are interested in volunteering then please email and we will contact you to discuss your help in the future. Orientation sessions will be held again in the new year.
Stay tuned for updates....
The sign above is a special request / reminder especially during spring when animals move about to find mates and when young need to find their own patch to call home.
DRIVE AWARE for health and well being of all creatures - from humans to rescuers, birds bees bats reptiles frogs, possums and many more.
Wildlife is at risk on all roads - whether signed or not.
Lets all stay safe as the Christmas season approaches and possibly consider a gift that supports wildlife and its precious habitat that we all share.
Logan's Berrimba Sanctuary - 90 hectares of pristine koala habitat - makes it's
official opening
Saturday 15 December from 1.00 pm to 4.00pm
You and your friends and family are invited to come along and join the celebrations.
Free entry. Free parking. Santa's free gifts for every child.
Opportunity to join FRIENDS OF BERRINBA SANCTUARY, the KOALA ARMY with AKF Australian Koala Foundation and hopefully - yet to be confirmed - register for training as volunteer for Logan's new WILDLIFE AMBULANCE administered through RSPCA.
See flyer here. Berrinba_Sanctuary_Open_Day_Flyer.pdf
FUN, FOOD, WILDLIFE Display, including captive bred QUOLL, singing featuring Lauren Lee Innis-Youren, speakers, raffles and opportunity to win family pass to Movieworld.
And the best ever Xmas present would be to see a resident koala taking
his or her daytime nap high up in a nearby tree.
While this is not guaranteed it is possible as current family members and sanctuary stewards see koalas on a regugular basis. 6 were seen and reported during the recent weekend koala survey.
Displays / information /speakers from Berrimba Sanctuary, registered with HSI Human Society International, Logan and Albert Conservation Association LACA, Brisbane Region Environment Council, BREC, B.I.R.O, education and care group for all birds injured rehabitated and orphaned based in Logan, Save Bahrs Scrub Alliance SBSA, and others to be confirmed.
Logan Council is to be commended for its first ever allocation of funds towards the rescue of injured and orphaned wildlife. This represents a victory for wildlife care groups and LACA who have been advocating for a funded service to support the voluntary rescue carried out each day by the many tireless wildlife carers across Logan, Scenic Rim and beyond. Read Logan's media release here. The people in these groups have been working liaising with RSPCA in a unpaid capacity, and with local vets who treat some wildlife. Mostly they receive no funds for fuel, shelter, cages, food or medication for wildlife in care. Brisbane may be the exception.
The Wildlife Ambulance will be manned by volunteers with fuel paid by RSPCA-Logan agrement. RSPCA at WACOL have 6 wildlife clinics where triage is administerd by wildlife vets. However for longterm care the animal goes to a carer. If you are interested to train as a driver and wildlife rescuer contact contact RSPCA on 3426 9986 or for further information contact Annette Colling (RSPCA Qld) on 3426 9986 or email You will have to complete some paperwork and will receive on-the-job training. Initially it is most probable that the ambulance will have 2 'staff'.
While in November 2012, Logan Council and RSPCA Qld unveiled the keenly-anticipated Animal Ambulance Vehicle - a service primarily for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife there is much more to be done. Council committed $105,500 from its 2012/2013 Budget to the partnership with RSPCA Qld. While this is appreciated it is a paultry amount allocated from our council rates compared with $2million for a new ANIMAL MANAGEMENT CENTRE.
LACA appreciates the invaluable dedication and long term care provided by wildlife carers. This will and must continue . It would be another step forward if some funding were available to assist those dedicated carers.
RSPCA's Operation Spring Rescue explains that care and rehabilitation for each injured wildlife costs about $1000 - and during spring 2600 injured, displaced and orphaned wildlife will rely on RSPCA. In addition there are groups like BARN , ONARR, FAUNA, WILDCARE, ARROW, Batrescue and others who provide rescue longterm care and then release after recovery.These people are the real wildlife heroes.
Health, Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson, Councillor Lisa Bradley, (Division 1), said the ambulance was a result of the formation of the city's Wildlife Rescue Service, a service which was forged from the partnership between Council and the RSPCA Qld.
LACA is looking towards further information being available from the Wildlife Rescue Service to guide further volunteers keen to help.
Meanwhile the best policy for residents to adhere to is one that will reduce the number of fauna trauma.
Many of us are easily persuaded that our safety and wellbeing requires that some species that 'threatens' us must be removed permanently.
The sensational language and looseness of facts seen in most media encourages that fear. We need to respect all species and appreciate that humans are not the prey.
Man's wellbeing depends on having a healthy and respectful relationship with all species whose habitat we share. That may be sharks in the ocean, dingoes on Frazer Island, flying foxes in local trees and forests, bees pollinating fruit and flowers, our domesticated dogs sharing our homes and neighbourhoods, and the many microbes which live inside the human body.
Queensland is currently suffering legalized shooting of flying foxes - when done humanely? How inane it to believe or accept that shooting is not cruel. Throughout Queensland and globally many groups have called for all political parties to commit to protecting our flying foxes. Read the statement here.
An Australian study has shown that most bats shot don't die immediately. The majority take hours and sometimes days to die. During that time they are in severe pain due to the damage inflicted by the shotgun pellets. Dependent young will also die slowly of starvation over the next few days. Download PDF. NSW and Qld legislation says that causing an animal to die in pain, or in a way that is not quick, is animal cruelty, yet both states still issue permits that allow these bats to be shot.
Do you want to protest this and other animal cruelty? Click on image above for a template to make a grey cross. Read about the campaign and participate however you can. Details at this website
Are there alternative methods for farmers to protect fruit crops?
According to a member of the Australian Custard Apple Growers Association, appropriate netting was both cost and profit effective. No harm is done to bats, birds or possums. Read the profitabilty and best practice report here.
Share your comments, photos, ideas via social media at and any others you use. Contact the campaign team
Interesting that EHP department publishes information about the importance of flying foxes eg Flying-foxes are crucial to keeping native forests healthy
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We are about to update the site to allow readers to sign up for our newsletters. We apologise to the people who have been looking for this feature. It will be delivered to your email inbox after you complete the subscription. Frequency will be determined by our need to contact readers and also the output of the writers.
Since we are all volunteers and have no physical home we appreciate all contributions.
If you are interested in writing articles for the newsletter please contact us - or send to the webmaster via the contacts page.
If you are interested to keep up to date with articles as published on the website please consider using the RSS feed which is available from each page of the website. Cyber mail will allow us to minimise our carbon footprint. Thank you. for your interest.