The Logan River/Larry Storey Park Clean-up has been rescheduled to
8am - 11.30am on
Sunday 24 March 2013
and YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US for the cleanup.Long range forecasts indicate the weather should be kinder for boats, canoes, kayaks and people, so hopefully we will enjoy a productive morning in the park and on the Logan River.
Please advise if you will be joining us, so we can ensure we have enough gloves, collection bags plus mugs for tea/coffee etc.
You will also need sunscreen & hat, sturdy footwear & leg protection (eg long pants in the park) plus water and snacks to keep you going.
Registration for this Clean-up site can still be made HERE
Co-ordinator for this event is Paul Casbolt m: 0428 325 275.
LACA and Greater Logan Canoe Club are collaborating on this great cleanup day and we are sponsored by Healthy Waterways.
The Healthy Waterways Clean Up crews remove over 250,000 items of litter from our waterways each year. The crews consist of two people in one of two tinnies (small metal boats). They collect floating litter and, in accessible areas, pick up litter from riverbanks and from within mangroves.
This is an incredible amount of litter - mostly plastic bottles bags and bits - that we as rate payers pay to have someone pick up our rubbish.
Why do we litter our home? How can we change and put those $$$$$$$ to better use?
If we trash it costs us cash!
Lets make Logan the cleanest River in Australia! No rubbish dumped.
Preventing sediment is another story.
See you all Sunday on or near the river.
Logan River is one of our greatest natural resources. Lets make it a great spot to visit!
Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) and Brisbane-based engineering firm Cardno has found that the Traveston Crossing dam scheme is neither necessary nor desirable.
A review of water options for South East Queensland, undertaken for the Mary River Council of Mayors, has investigated proposed water supply projects and current and predicted demand for water in South East Queensland (SEQ). The review was undertaken by (ISF) and Cardno and it has found that the Traveston Crossing dam scheme is neither necessary nor desirable.
Logan - Albert Waterways Summit hosted by Logan City
LACAs northern spokesperson Barry Fitzpatrick has been advocating tirelessly that all levels of government and community must take
some action in response to the failed HEALTHY WATERWAYS REPORTS.
Saturday 23 July saw the fruitition of successful lobbying when Logan City Council hosted the WATERWAYS SUMMIT at the Logan entertainment. 125 people from a range of backgrounds joined together to take some positive actions to redress the sorry situation. All present committed - pledged - to continue - to rebuild the rivers systems. Local papers across Logan and Scenic Rim have been reporting on this process.
Barry has also been engaged with local community in the Cornubia Wetlands area. This ecologically functioning wetlands is an example of a healthy wetlands sysytem which keeps itself clean. There are no mosquitoes as the micro-organisms in the water are the natural controlling agents. It is only when man steps in and changes a balanced system - using poison for a fast fix or planting with non endemic species that the balanced is tipped.
Barry produces newletters for the local community as part of the successful Logan Envirogrant application. The last newsletter includes information about the Waterways Summit.. It is available to read here. Cornubia_Wetland_News_4web.pdf
Plant in image above is the federally listed endangered species Persicaria elatior - one of the many species making up the wetland habitat area. Image of eroded river banks illustrates one of the past mismanagement issues.
Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade The Honourable Stephen Robertson has recently announced new laws to reform the way Queensland Urban Utilities, Unitywater and Allconnex Water deal with their customers.
A new ombudsman service for water bill complaints also has been created
Read what the minister has announced here.
Mr Robertson said customers not happy with water bills could access a new Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland from 1 January 2011.
Many residents of Logan have voiced their concerns about water charges and are very unhappy with the response from Allconnect as Jimboomba Times records in letters to the editor.
The Healthy Country project is supporting communities, farmers and scientists to work together to improve water quality in South East Queensland catchments and Moreton Bay. An estimated average of more than 315,000 tonnes of sediment is discharged to Moreton Bay each year from various sources across South East Queensland. The four-year Healthy Country project focuses on ways to reduce sediments and nutrients entering our waterways locally and in the Bay. The focus is on three priority catchments, Logan and Bremer Rivers and Lockyer Creek.
Following the Healthy Country launch ceremony, site visits to current projects within the Bremer focal area were conducted which provided an opportunity for the Minister and local landholders to discuss projects associated with stream rehabilitation, improved production practices and gully remediation.