The Logan River/Larry Storey Park Clean-up has been rescheduled to
8am - 11.30am on
Sunday 24 March 2013
and YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US for the cleanup.Long range forecasts indicate the weather should be kinder for boats, canoes, kayaks and people, so hopefully we will enjoy a productive morning in the park and on the Logan River.
Please advise if you will be joining us, so we can ensure we have enough gloves, collection bags plus mugs for tea/coffee etc.
You will also need sunscreen & hat, sturdy footwear & leg protection (eg long pants in the park) plus water and snacks to keep you going.
Registration for this Clean-up site can still be made HERE
Co-ordinator for this event is Paul Casbolt m: 0428 325 275.
LACA and Greater Logan Canoe Club are collaborating on this great cleanup day and we are sponsored by Healthy Waterways.
The Healthy Waterways Clean Up crews remove over 250,000 items of litter from our waterways each year. The crews consist of two people in one of two tinnies (small metal boats). They collect floating litter and, in accessible areas, pick up litter from riverbanks and from within mangroves.
This is an incredible amount of litter - mostly plastic bottles bags and bits - that we as rate payers pay to have someone pick up our rubbish.
Why do we litter our home? How can we change and put those $$$$$$$ to better use?
If we trash it costs us cash!
Lets make Logan the cleanest River in Australia! No rubbish dumped.
Preventing sediment is another story.
See you all Sunday on or near the river.
Logan River is one of our greatest natural resources. Lets make it a great spot to visit!