Opportunities for community members to comment on draft government documents, and to read submissions made by LACA and other concerned gorups.
Some ideas you could consider to reduce your impact on the environment.
HAVE YOUR SAY - SEQRP closes 11.59 pm 3 March 2017
South-East Queensland Regional Plan is an important regional planning tool, which can direct how both the state and local governments undertake planning and development decision-making in SEQ. Regional Plans override planning schemes where there is inconsistency.
Regional Plans override planning schemes where there is inconsistency.
As part of the package released for consultation, there are numerous background papers which provide more information as to the policies which shaped the new SEQ Regional Plan.
Background papers provided are under the following headings: GROW - PROSPER - CONNECT - SUSTAIN - LIVE.
There is no reference to previous plans - including the current one. There has been no STATE of the Environment to help inform our input.
This is an important opportunity to tell government what your concerns are for the region in which you live.
You can send in multiple submissions - one pagers - for each of your concerns - or combine into one - habitat for koalas - lack of infrastructure provisions - liveability concerns in a "sardine development" - climate change - carrying capacity - lack of protected and connected public open greenspace - water issues and more.
There is NO MENTION of KOALAS or any other endangered species in this proposed draft!
Several workshops - and articles - are available online to provide you with information you may find useful.
EDO Environmental Defenders Office Qld (EDO Qld) an independent community legal centre to empower the community to use the law to protect the environment held a workshop and provide a TEMPLATE to supercharge your submission. Go to their website at http://www.edoqld.org.au/news/draft-seq-regional-plan-released-have-your-say-by-3-march-2017/ to download and also read contributions to the community workshop by Professor Darryl Low Choy of Griffith University and Mr Paul McDonald of Healthy Waterways and Catchments.
Email your submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submissions must be provided to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning in writing and include the following information: [to be properly made]
Do we want a pro-fossil-fuel, anti-environmental Abbott-type government in office - permanently?
ISDS threats / agreements are currently part of TPP or TPPA Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
Richard Ackland’s article in last weekend's 'The Saturday Paper' sums up the ISDS / Investor-State Dispute Settlement threat perfectly:
‘So here we have a potential for environmental protections to be struck down, and where the consequences would be to create a chilling effect on governments that contemplate the introduction of new laws and regulations in this area. It would be like having a pro-fossil-fuel, anti-environmental Abbott-type government permanently in office’
There remains a vital window of opportunity for us to press for the removal of ISDS provisions in the TPP: while the TPP agreement has now been accepted by Australia and the 11 other nations involved, it has not yet been ratified through parliament. This is expected to occur over the first half of this year. Labor and the Greens do not support ISDS in free trade agreements, but Labor may support the passing of TPP legislation including ISDS if there is not enough public outcry.
So building community awareness and lobbying Labor members and the Senate is crucial now.
Need to know more?
See the attached question and answer guide to knowing more about how ISDS in free trade deals will impact on our future capacity to protect unique Australian environment .
TransPacificPartnershipQuestionandAnswer.docx18/02/2016, 13:33
Contact Barry Fitzpatrick (LACA ISDS campaign leader) 0427002640
Last question in Q and A document: What can I do to stop the Turnbull Government from ratifying the TPP with ISDS?
A: Write to your local federal member and senators, objecting to the inclusion of ISDS in the TPP.
Urge them to support you in seeking a re-negotiation of the TPP without ISDS.
Write to each of the members of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties http://www.aph.gov.au/jsct which will be providing a final report on the TPP before the Turnbull Government moves to ratify the agreement.
Above all, let as many people as you can know about the threat that ISDS poses not only to our future environmental regulations
but also social, health and internet regulations.
The Treaties Committee is empowered by its resolution of appointment to inquire into and report on 'matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analysis and proposed treaty actions presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament.' The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions for the the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) by Friday, 11 March 2016. Submissions for this inquiry can be lodged online via the link on this page. For information on how to make a submission, go to our Making a submission to a Parliamentary Inquiry page.
Membership of Treaties Committee can be found here.
As a community and as an individual we can ALL take an action / actions to voice our concerns and displease about the current state of affairs.
Let's speak out loudly and clearly that we expect to have a voice when it is our community that is impacted. New Queensland government have said they will listen to community!
Will they hear our community?
Details in this document NORTH-MACLEAN_What-YOU-can-do.doc
Email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PO BOX 6022 House of Representatives
Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Mr Scott Buchholz ( ph 5541 0150)
Email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
111 Brisbane St, Beaudesert Qld 4285
LACA calls for strong climate action from State Government - to end ‘Alice in Blunderland’
We are celebrating our 25 years of advocacy and activism by calling a public meeting to urge the Newman Government to reverse its ‘Alice in Blunderland’ approach to climate change action and Reef protection.
LACA climate spokesperson Barry Fitzpatrick said LACA could not support the Government’s recently released draft Long Term Sustainability Plan to save the Great Barrier Reef, describing it as ‘completely useless’ because it lacks any commitment to take strong action to reduce the State’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Read Logan and Albert Conservation LACA submission here.LongTermSustainableReefPlan_LACA_submission_bf.pdf
‘It is really disappointing that, after a quarter of a century of campaigning , LACA still finds itself battling the same old political games around critically important environment issues like this.’
Members of the public are specially invited and welcome to attend our meeting which will be held at Kimberley College, Carbrook on Saturday 15 November, starting at 2.00 pm. Contact : Barry Fitzpatrick 0427002640
Ring the State Government hotline on 1800 600 163 for information on Key Resource Areas.
Make a submission by Wednesday 12 June 2013 5pm
Should our local council be consulting with the community when the council is preparing its response to the draft SPP?
When Council is undertaking a new planning scheme, they are required to consider all of the state's interests as outlined in the SPP and apply them in a local context; during this process council must extensively consult with the community on these matters, such as KRAs.
It is not appropriate or required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, for local councils to undertake community consultation in preparation of their response to the draft SPP. As mentioned we encourage everyone and anyone to provide a submission by the June 12 due date to ensure that your views are heard.
Further to this, the Mayor of Scenic Rim Regional Council Cr John Brent, has provided a statement regarding the draft SPP and in particular concerns around the proposed KRAs. It can be found on the Beaudesert Times website: http://www.beaudeserttimes.com.au/beaudesert/218-mayoral-statement and may be of assistance.
While it is pleasing to see the Mayor acknowledge the Council's Community Plan, developed in partnership with the local community over a period of 18 months, which captures residents' vision and aspirations for the Scenic Rim during the next 15 years and we ie council are guided by the values detailed in this document, there is an escape clause
The Plan outlines the importance of preserving our natural surroundings, however, this is not to the absolute exclusion of the development and industry needed to help grow this and other regions.
How have the boundaries of the proposed KRAs been determined, especially KRA 140?
The draft SPP Guideline: Mining and extractive resources includes detailed information about what constitutes a state or regionally significant resource and includes information on how separation areas are determined.
The location and boundaries of KRA's are based on the estimated location of the extractive resource of state or regional significance. The draft KRA 140 boundary is based on the location of two high intersecting ridges of basalt.
In the guidelines, a report and a map of each of the proposed KRAs is also included - this provides information on local circumstances which may influence the boundaries of a KRA such as resource type, topography, environmentally sensitive areas etc.
Who has been responsible for deciding which areas are proposed as KRA's?
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines has been undertaking the assessment of potential Key Resource Areas. The location of KRA 140 was determined through a desktop analysis which included the extrapolation of geological data and a review of drilling activities in nearby locations.
Why have two haul routes been nominated for KRA 140 effectively placing restrictions on twice as many properties whose land falls within the 100 metres of the haul route?
Two routes have been identified as potentially appropriate for the KRA area. If an extraction of resources were to be approved by Scenic Rim Regional Council, the applicant would have to identify through research, the most effective and least intrusive haul route.
The transitional development assessment criteria's only applies to land that is 100 metres either side of the centreline of the proposed KRA transport routes. This identification does not change the existing rural uses on land adjacent to the transport route.
What real restrictions are likely to be placed on properties which fall within the separation zone?
The draft SPP proposes that Council ensure that the State's interest in protecting significant extractive resource deposits is appropriately considered in local planning decisions.
The actual conditions imposed on a development or included in the local planning scheme, will vary depending on the local circumstances. As a general rule of thumb, the State's intent is to not increase the number of people who may be adversely impacted by the current or possible future extraction of resources from an identified KRA.
The model code included in the SPP Guideline: Mining and extractive resources (Appendix 2) gives an example of the provisions that the State feels are appropriate to be applied to development affected by a KRA. While the state provides this example, it does not mandate requirements. Ultimately the conditions placed on a development application are the responsibility of the local council.
We trust this information is of assistance, if you have any further questions or concerns regarding the SPP please do not hesitate to contact the SPP team on 1800 600 163.
State Planning Policy project team
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Queensland Government tel 1800 600 163
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People who love our country are being asked to take deliberate steps and actions to restrict inappropriate coal and gas mining. An astounding 437 million hectares of our land is covered by coal and gas licences or applications. That's more than half of Australia and an area 18 times the size of Great Britain.
Even our greatest international tourist icons are not safe, with at least 11 of our 16 National Landscapes at threat.
For a larger version of the map click on this link.
LOCK THE GATE has united farmers, first peoples, conservationists - ordinary folk who believe our country is too precious to be exploited for the profits of big business who bank off shore. View the website. http://www.lockthegate.org.au/calltocountry.
Why is it so difficult to live in harmony with our wildlife?
It happens in Logan on a small scale if 200 acres /90 hectares is small. Here a family property was established in 1930s and some generations later the same family continues to live in harmony with nature and all its species. The property has recently registered with a voluntary conservation covenant to become part of Humane Society International (HSI) / Wildlife Land Trust (WLT). It is also part of Logan City's Land for Wildlife.
Deborah Tabart OAM, CEO of the Australian Koala Foundation spoke to the group who came together to celebrate Save the Koala month and pledge ongoing support to actions to gain changes in legislation to protect the koala and its habitat.
It is unconsionable that both DTMR and Logan City believe that a future road though this properties - and others - is in the best interests of the community.
Our environment and the laws that protect it are under attack like never before. If environment protection were left to the states, they would have dammed the Franklin River, put oil rigs in the Great Barrier Reef and built Traveston Dam.
Big business leaders hijacked a meeting of state and federal governments COAG earlier this year and what they demanded weakens Australia's environment laws. Inexplicably the Prime Minister acquiesced - perhaps to get acceptance for another item on agenda?
This December 7, when state Premiers and Prime Minister meet again at COAG the plan is to take the next step to gut Australia's environment laws before final sign off at a meeting in March 2013 and hand power over to the states.
Before this happens, tell the Labor and Liberal parties not to gut Australia's environment laws. Here is a letter you must personalise with your details and perhaps add / delete comments.
Citizen-Letter-re-EPBC-changes.doc02/12/2012, 18:02
The following document contains details of federal members and senators so that you can email your concerns to them. Federal-Government-Email-addresses.doc
There is also a petition you can sign here and another petition here and a submission to a SENATE INQUIRY The effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia.
Submissions should be received by 14 December 2012 - preferably online in electronic form. Details regarding this are available from a secure website here https://senate.aph.gov.au/submissions/pages/index.aspx
Alternatively you can email directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with an attached Adobe PDF or MS Word format document. Advice on making a submision will be added here shortly.
SOME Logan libaries and the Logan administration centre have the forms - seeking your feedback. Following is a copy of text of form with comments in blue italics
PARK RIDGE CONNECTOR PROPOSED CORRIDOR - FEEDBACK SHEET. Some may have a box to put your completed sheets in? You are asked to base your feedback on a map with little cadastral marking. A digital version of same form calls it CONSULTATION ON THE PARK RIDGE CONNECTOR PROPOSED CORRIDOR.
There is also an information sheet stating that consultation is being undertaken during August and September. How and with whom is unclear. As both a participant in the CSRG process Community Stakeholder Reference Group and a submitter to the 2011 consultation LACA has not been invited to a consultation as yet?
If you would like to contact the planning team please call 1800 799 824 - email pThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Presumably this is also where you email your response?
It is strange that anonymous feedback is "allowed" - form states Contact details (optional)
The usual protocol with submissions and feedback requires details of NAME and ADDRESS and usually a signature is also required. What weight will be given to them without? The genuineness of this consultation process is questionable in the writer's opinion. Where are we in the NEXT STEPS? inside cover REFO.
The REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS OVERVIEW available at Browns Plain Library is the same one as used last year. It is available on DTMR website at http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/~/media/8c2d4e8a-469a-4948-984ceeb7d944cf93/prcreviewofenvironmentalfactorsoverview.pdf
Read about the fiasco of registered letters sent in error to be followed by a retraction for some. The NO PRC website http://www.noprc.org/ has details.
Consultation is not about individual property owners meeting - at Loganholme office for DTMR - with the public servants. People have a right to all the information they need to make INFORMED DECISIONS.
To date we have not been provided with any information or criteria to establish the existence of a VIABLE CORRIDOR?
Perhaps we should all contact our local councillor and State member to ask for assistance with voicing our concerns in a meaningful way. Email Michael Pucci This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone 07 3806 8513. Visit at Maxima House, 1/3 Helen Street, Hillcrest Qld 4118.
Exactly when where and how Main Roads will be holding an event called consultation for Park Ridge Connector Corridor is to be discovered - hopefully announced and widely publicised. The members of NO PRC community group have made efforts to understand where we are at with this process. However it remains clouded in confusion. There is supposed to be a report given to Logan City Council. We have asked for the name of the report - but as yet that remains a mystery.
LACA has received a letter - following our phone calls that states that DTMR is currently conducting an extensive consultation strategy to gain feedback from the community on the proposed PRC corridor location. President of LACA is offered an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed corridor location.
It should be noted at this stage the department is aiming to collect feedback on the corridor location only. Technical aspects of any future road location such as environmental or social impacts will be consulted on during a future consultation phase.
It would seem that a decision has been made by LNP government minister Scott Emerson to approve a corridor? Though he said he has "signed off on nothing".There are certainly no ministerial statements about a decision - or any public acknowledgement of the fiasco and disquiet among property owners and community created by registered letters being sent - and retracted in some cases - by DTMR.
With staffing reductions new updates to TRM website for projects - this one at least - are delayed. Watch for changes to http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Name/P/Park-Ridge-Connector.aspx
Your participation in this community meeting and the "consultation" process it critical to the future welling of both community and natural environment.
See you at the community meeting.
COPY of flyer for 12 September meeting
According to staff person from Logan LNP member Mr Michael Pucci's office this morning, the feedback form is on DTMR website. However as of 29 August the form is not yet available online. Does this mean we can complete online?
How long will we have to provide feedback? No timeline is provided yet. When will "extensive community consultation" end? When will it start?! Ask your questions - phone the planning team 1800 799 824 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LETS HOPE THE CONSULTATION IMPROVES. The NO PRC group will have the latest available information at the meeting 12 September 2012.
Social media has just provided some useful information via FACEBOOK page for Michael Pucci MP Member for Logan . ....This consultation process, which has been endorsed by the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, the Honourable Scott Emerson MP, opens the opportunity to everyone who wishes to participate to provide feedback on the proposed corridor location of the Park Ridge Connector....
If there is a proposed corridor location, has the minister really "signed off on nothing"?
VISIT CAMPAIGN WEBSITE www.savegreenbank.com.au
to follow what is happening and tell your friends and neighbours about this proposal - a material change of use to place high density housing - for greater developer profit - in the midst of large acreage blocks. Pub Lane, Teviot Downs, SentinelDrive, Cunningham Drive - Lot 9968 on SP163061 Parish of Perry, County of Stanley
Submissions close 20 August. If you value the liveability of the current bushy areas of Logan - formerly part of Beaudesert Shire - you will make a submission.
A public meeting will be held early August to provide you with help with submissions. All relevant documents are available on ULDA website. 9 new files were posted 18 July in response to additional information requested at first submit by this planner - different one from first application.