Logan - Albert Waterways Summit hosted by Logan City
LACAs northern spokesperson Barry Fitzpatrick has been advocating tirelessly that all levels of government and community must take
some action in response to the failed HEALTHY WATERWAYS REPORTS.
Saturday 23 July saw the fruitition of successful lobbying when Logan City Council hosted the WATERWAYS SUMMIT at the Logan entertainment. 125 people from a range of backgrounds joined together to take some positive actions to redress the sorry situation. All present committed - pledged - to continue - to rebuild the rivers systems. Local papers across Logan and Scenic Rim have been reporting on this process.
Barry has also been engaged with local community in the Cornubia Wetlands area. This ecologically functioning wetlands is an example of a healthy wetlands sysytem which keeps itself clean. There are no mosquitoes as the micro-organisms in the water are the natural controlling agents. It is only when man steps in and changes a balanced system - using poison for a fast fix or planting with non endemic species that the balanced is tipped.
Barry produces newletters for the local community as part of the successful Logan Envirogrant application. The last newsletter includes information about the Waterways Summit.. It is available to read here. Cornubia_Wetland_News_4web.pdf
Plant in image above is the federally listed endangered species Persicaria elatior - one of the many species making up the wetland habitat area. Image of eroded river banks illustrates one of the past mismanagement issues.