LACA will take the opportunity on
Sunday 2 pm, 20 March 2016 at
Shailer Park State High School Hall
to call for stronger than ever vegetation clearing laws, given the recent report by WWF World Wildlife Fund that during the Newman government year 2013-14 around 300 000 hectares (including 40 000 ha of Koala habitat) was cleared compared to a total of 77 000 ha in 2009-10.
The 2013-14 rate of clearing under the Newman government put Queensland back up with Brazil and Indonesia as the worst in the world for deforestation. Biodiversity is now fast approaching tipping points in Queensland and the greenhouse gases released by this level of clearing have severely limited Australia’s chances of meeting its climate change mitigation targets.
Come to the meeting next Sunday, get the facts from a panel of speakers and have a chance to ask questions and have your say about the need for stronger vegetation clearing laws in Queensland.’
Barry Fitzpatrick is a long term passionate advocate and campaigner and LACA's spokesperson about the environment - in particular wetlands, Great Barier Reef and climate change.
Speakers from the Wilderness Society will also be leading discussion. Both organisations LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association and the Wilderness Society understand that if we don't take actions to reduce climate emissions it will have deeply negative impacts on our natural environment, the Great Barrier Reef and all that rely on both.
The state of vegetation clearing in Queensland revealed by a CO2 study commissioned by the Wilderness Society is alarming and reveals concering discrepancies. Lyndon Schneiders, national campaigns director of the Wilderness Society, says the new data shows
Australia is “lying to the world and lying to ourselves” about the true state of greenhouse emissions.
Read the coverage of the situation from The Guardian
LACA appreciates the opportunty to particiate at this public forum. LACA does not support particular political parties but does support good policy and is encouraged that the Queensland Government ALP Member for Springwood is hosting.
Let's come together on Sunday to discuss our ideas to be presented in parliament to help formulate the good policy that is needed to protect our shared environment.
Persicaria elatior featured as plant of the month April 2009. Listed as vulnerable under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act, Persicaria elatior has rarely been seen in Queensland, being recorded by the Queensland Herbarium only 6 times before this discovery - at Cornubia Wetlands Reserve
Submission on Directions Paper: Better Planning for Queensland
Comments close 23 October 2015
Submit via email to
It is disappointing that Logan citizens were denied an opportunity to attend a local workshop with planners to gain better understanding of what the discussion paper means and its implications for future planning in Queensland.
Logan and Albert Conservation Association LACA exec members have shared concerns with the Environmental Defenders Office Qld EDQ, Queensland Conservation Council QCC, Friends of South-east Queensland group FOSEQ and Redlands 2030 who have each put together some very detailed and substantial documents for which we can also endorse support.
To illustrate three issues for protection Greenspace, Koala Habitat and Coastal Protection are missing from Planning Bills.
"Greenspace, Koala Habitat and Coastal Protection are missing" - BREC Brisbane Region Environment Council contact Ted Fensom
Please compose a brief submission - using any of the issues from LACA's submission which is attached. Please personalise as issues relate to you -or you are most concerned about.
Submission-on-Directions-Paper_BetterPlanningforQueensland_LACA_web.pdf351.05 KB22/10/2015, 13:35
The words of Edward Burke "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" serve to remind us that silence on an issue is construed as its support. When economic gain surpasses and overrides significant social and planetary wellbeing those concerned must raise their voices.
BREC advises us of the following concerns:
The Greenspace provisions and green fauna infrastructure have been left out of the initial bill, provision of the ranges of parklands, trails, open space, and bushland, are largely no longer defined or compulsory, and six different programs covering a wider range of greenspace including recreation reserves, inter urban breaks and National Reserve System largely no longer exist. The future greenspace of Queensland will have to be subsidised by Ratepayers as the UDIA Policy is "no more contributions".
New Residential Infrastructure capping gaps in some cities will also have to be subsidised by Ratepayers. This fast track legislation trashing of decades of integrated interagency planning, environmental advice and public consultation is a developers dream he said . "This is a return to the 1980s Planning."
All existing koala habitat is essential for the future well being of Logan's resident koala population. And importantly all populations contribute to the genetic pool for the species and wide diversity is a potential safe guard in the event of a disaster such as bushfires which can deplete a koala population in that area. Though LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association is advocating here for the iconic koala, this is an umbrella species for all. Without the flying fox - pollinator of eucalypts - only food source for the koala the fate of the koala is not certain. Tree clearing changes introduced by Newman government will we fear have dire consequences
Long term advocate for all environmental issues Barry Fitzpatrick has had an article published in Albert and Logan News. We thank them for publishing our concerns. If you also are concerned make sure that all your elected representative know. Use media eg comment on article in letter to editor, phone write email your local member - at all 3 levels of government.
Importantly also - REPORT ANY and ALL KOALA SIGHTINGS.
R.O.T.A. has asked Santa to reshedule his visit to
Sunday 18th December at 10:00am.
He will be giving out gifts to children and his elves and other helpers will be talking with parents about the proposed PARK RIDGE CONNECTOR PRC Motorway.
He is not happy that '292', one of his many community destinations is possibly going to be lost forever and he'll not be able to visit the many children who come here each year to see him.
Address: 292 Browns Plains Road, Browns Plains
Time: Saturday December 10 2011 @ 10:00am postponed
Sunday 18 December - delayed by rain - sorry to disappoint - but mark your calendars to visit Santa
Sunday 18 December from 10 to 12
We also expect to a visit from a large KOALA!
The habitat at 292 Browns Plains Road, Browns Plains is loved by the resident koalas who usually sleep during the day but we expect that one will be keeping company with Santa to talk to all the children. Come along and see why the humans koalas and other wildlife are worried. Santa has bags of gifts for all well behaved children.
Energex Logan River to Jimboomba Protest Rally at Parliament - Thursday 7 October 2010
Please consider supporting the action described here and organized by Paul Casbolt on behalf of VETO (Veto Energex Towers Organisation) that is protesting against the upgrade and new easement for a 110 Kv line to cross the Logan River 5 times and run south along Camp Cable Rd.
This proposed route will clear 42.5 hectares of koala habitat which also provides valuable habitat for other threatened species in the area eg quolls, green thighed frog, wallum froglet , glossy black cockatoos and 4 species of gliders (greater, squirrel, sugar, feathertail) that we know about from community surveys.
LACA has been assisting VETO for the past 2 years and has provided formal submissions to all rounds of community consultation (please see the LACA or VETO websites for copies of LACA and VETO submissions outlining major concerns). President Anne Page has attended fortnightly meetings over this time along with many other concerned members from the Logan River and Camp Cable Rd communities.
There are many reasons why the community should be objecting to such projects (see LACA submission ) in our local area and across Queensland. If you are able to attend this peaceful rally please RSVP to Paul ph 3200 5210 (see flyer contacts). There will be a coach bus to pick people up from Logan Village Community Centre at 10 am and will return there around 1.30 pm (cost $8 per person please to cover bus hire) .
The Hon. Margaret Keech has already agreed to meet the group and take receipt of the petition outside Parliament House.
This joint Rally with other Community Groups (also dissatisfied with the Energex process) may be our best chance to influence State Politicians as it is likely that Minister Stephen Robertson will make a decision on the Loganlea to Jimboomba 110kV Sub Transmission Line Community Infrastructure Designation in December.We hope to get wider media interest and support by joining with the Sunshine Coast group and the STOP group from the Gold Coast.
This will be a civil, peaceful protest and children are welcome as this is for their future (unfortunately Parliament does not sit during school holidays).
Premier The Honourable Anna Bligh, and Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation The Honourable Andrew McNamara released a joint statement Wednesday 5 August 2008. It reads
are among options to be considered as the Bligh Government confronts a crisis facing koalas in southeast Queensland.
Premier Anna Bligh said new research showed the population of koalas in the wild was directly linked to the animals' movement through urban areas and urgent action was needed to slow the dramatic mortality rate.
This information has come to light since the introduction in 2006 of the Government's Koala Plan and means more radical moves are needed to stop the extinction of koalas in SEQ.