Despite the number of horrendous unsustainable development or infrastructure processses being proposed in Logan, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim and Ipswich, community strength and energy to defend the natural assets of the region remain strong and continue to strengthen. SEQ has significant biodiversity values that are appreciated by longterm residents in the region and we are determined to protect them despite the unreasonable economic pressures and expectations that big business, state government and corporations want to impose.
Pre-election promises of the Campbell Newman led LNP government have been broken and the local members must also feel our disappointment. A platform based on the four pillars of economy, construction, tourism and agriculture leaves both natural and built environment out of the equation.
Click on image to read article.
Disinformation is also challenging to deal with - especially when government changes the rules to suit its 'development at any cost' agenda - cost being only dollars for construction. Follow detailed history at VETO's website for analysis of issues an alternatives. Queensland Minister McArdle's approval of the second Loganlea to Jimboomba 110kV powerline allows Energex to continue to "Gold Plate" their network with more "poles & wires" when other alternatives are available.
to follow what is happening and tell your friends and neighbours about this proposal - a material change of use to place high density housing - for greater developer profit - in the midst of large acreage blocks. Pub Lane, Teviot Downs, SentinelDrive, Cunningham Drive - Lot 9968 on SP163061 Parish of Perry, County of Stanley
Submissions close 20 August. If you value the liveability of the current bushy areas of Logan - formerly part of Beaudesert Shire - you will make a submission.
A public meeting will be held early August to provide you with help with submissions. All relevant documents are available on ULDA website. 9 new files were posted 18 July in response to additional information requested at first submit by this planner - different one from first application.
Download the flyer to read some of the issues. Contact
A new development application has been lodged by Teviot Downs Estate Pty Ltd on the same land as the previous application. This time the application is for 1017 Lots with a total of 1054 dwellings and an anticipated population increase of 2635 people in these initial stages. Their ongoing plans is for 1400 dwellings with 3500 people.
Although another planning group has prepared the application all of our previous concerns remain - and possibly more.
Jimboomba Times ran an article on the page 18, regarding the "new" proposed development for Greenbank. Can we ask all of you to please read this article, and reply back to Save Greenbank ( with your disapproval letter?
The SAVE GREENBANK COMMITTEE will collate all letters when meeting with all our local politicians: Ian Rickuss, and Michael Pucci (member for Logan) and Cr Trevina Schwarz Division11.
In the Year for Sustainable Development, and by an applicant touting corporate social responsibility it is disappointing that the application has NOTHING to commend its sustainability - except perhaps the financial gains of the developer if this DA is approved. See DA at ULDA website
Proposed Development permit is for material change of use for house, multiple residential, community facility, and utility installation, and reconfiguring a lot (1 into 1017 residential lots, 1 community lot, 1 utility installation lot, 8 balance lots, new road and park).
See the plan here. If you live anywhere in the former Beaudesert area and changes in density to original application will impact on your lifestyle and your values and appreciation for the natural environment.
SEVERE IMPACT on local wildlife without any infrastructure to help local species to survive is a major concern for LACA. The associated costs for wildlife trauma are paid by individual wildlife carers.
The elusive cryptic spotted-tailed quolls are around with many sightings recorded in Greenbank, North Maclean, Chambers Flat and nearby areas.. Wildlife Queensland have a QUOLL SEEKERS NETWORK. The image is that of a quoll in captivity at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast.
Australia has four species of quoll: the spotted-tailed, the northern, eastern and western quoll. The spotted-tailed quoll and the smaller northern quoll are both found in Queensland. Spotted-tailed quolls are Australia's largest native marsupial carnivore.
QSN Quoll Seekers Network is free to join and welcomes and encourages new members. There is also a quoll sightings form which LACA encourages you to use. We also ask that if you see a spotted-tailed quoll in Logan or Scenic Rim areas you contact LACA President Anne Page This species is federally protected under EPBC Act which means that development which could potentially impact on the survival of the species should be referred to the federal government.
Location map for species is available here. and the draft "significant impact" guidelines can be accessed here.
Workshop to help you write your submission to ULDA about YARRABILBA
Environmental solicitor Jo Bragg from Environmental Defenders Office -
special guest and LACA presentation
7 pm Wednesday 4 May at the
Logan Village Pub ( in upstairs meeting room)
135 Albert St (on Waterford Tamborine Rd )
Logan Village 4207
What are you concerned about?
Is it wildlife, air and air pollution, water, traffic, affordability, sustainablity,
green economics, soil, democracy or others?
Come along and meet others with whom you can network to grow the
Logan Village -Yarrabilba VISION FOR THE FUTURE.
Greater Flagstone - what is your vision?
An area criss-crossed by roads - all needing to be upgraded and with extra lanes?
An area where increased human settlement of affordable housing - constructed before adequate wildlife and biodiversity studies are completed by impartial consultants?
An area already being cleared without adequate erosion and sediment controls in place
An area not contained within one connected geographical space
An area where the concept of identified growth areas is include within the UDA Urban Development Area [ renamed in last SEQRP from INVESTIGATION AREAS to identified growth areas - a misleading use of language and terminolgy for those new to the area and SEQRP documents]
Read LACA president's presentation notes from Greenbank submission writing workshop Tuesday 19 April 2011.
Greater_Flagstone_submission_Workshop_19_04_11.pdf Bytes 01/01/1970, 10:00
View presentation greater_flagstone_april_2011_edo_workshop.pdf
Although many of us want to have better roads all the road changes will mean more tree clearing - meaning loss of habitat and other services provided by trees.
Have you seen Mt Lindesay Highway recently [ at least 3 koalas were seen in area by the wildlife spotters] ? This is an example of what is to come .
Following roads are listed in ULDA documents •Teviot Rd (Middle Rd - Kilmoylar Rd •Homestead Dr ( to Teviot Rd) •Cusack lane ( Teviot Rd - Johanna St) •Johanna ( Cusack Lane - Mt Lindesay Hway •Camp Cable Rd ( Mt Lindesay - Waterford-Tamborine Rd) •Crowson Lane ( Greenbank - Mt Lindesay Highway) •Greenbank Rd ( Crowson Lane – Mt Lindesay Hway) •Stoney Camp Rd ( Teviot Rd – Mt Lindesay Highway) •Mt Lindesay Highway (Johanna St to Logan Motorway) •Chambers flat Rd ( Chambers Flat to Waterford-Tamborine Rd) •Goodna Rd – Springfield Greeenbank Arterial – Middle Rd.
If you click on image above, a new page will open for the ULDA Urban Land Development Authority Greater Flagstone UDA Proposed Development Scheme documents.
There are many background reports [30 as of today 26 April]. This page has links to 33 guidelines,posters or strategies today.
Wednesday 27 April at Caddies 7-9 pm
33 South St Jimboomba
MEET ULDA @ Flagstone Tuesday 12 April 2011 10- 2pm
MEET ULDA @ GREENBANK Saturday 16 April 2011
MEET ULDA @ Logan Village Saturday 16 April 2011
Read ULDA INVITATION here. Check here for venues
Please read the information and criticall assess the information and map provide in 2 page document.
ASK WHEN WHERE and WHO carried out these essential surveys!!!
Our conservation group has not yet been provided with access to - or copies of - what we believe are
essential studies to allow ecological sustainable development to occur.
The major land mass for Greater Flagstone is west of the interstate railway line. Click on image to open ULDA map file.
Many people do not asociate Greenbank and North Maclean with an urban footprint tagged with Flagstone. Until now Flagstone has not even been a suburb of Logan but part of the suburb of Jimboomba. The Flagstone estate has been an area with small acreage development for many years with both primary and secondary schools within the area.
The use of creeks and rivers as the boundary line - cutting some proprties into two - is cause for concern since there are policies for protecting riparian corridors - but policies without teeth in legislation offer no protection.
To have such disparate areas proposed as a model city for development does not match my vision - or community vision expressed at WOSPP. Teviot Road and Cusack Lane are major access roads used by present population. High density development west of rail line will mean multiple crossing across the rail line to access Teviot Road.
There are many documents on ULDA website to read to make an informed submission. EDO workshops will be held to help you with submissions.
Draft 'blueprints' for South East Queensland's three new master-planned communities released
Deputy Premier and Minister for Local Government Paul Lucas was joined, on Friday 1 April 2011, by Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale and local MPs Rachel Nolan and Wayne Wendt for the unprecedented simultaneous release of the proposed master plans for Yarrabilba, Ripley Valley and Greater Flagstone Urban Development Areas (UDAs).
"This is the first time a community building program of this size and scale has been undertaken in Australia and it coincides with the one year anniversary of our government's Growth Management Summit," Mr Lucas said.
His statement that this marks the start of delivering the necessary planning framework to progress development of these three key areas as model communities in not credible. The media release was reported here
Since 2005 LACA has been advocating and lobbying for detailed background environmental studies to be both carried out and provided to the community as part of supposed openness and integrety of government. Access to studies done on behalf of Beaudesert has ben denied by Scenic Rimm Regional Council, Logan City Council [we now has 3 environment reports] and ULDA.
How can you have a model community - one that is based on ecological sustainable development principles when the existing wildlife with its essential habitat is not well mapped. This black hole of essential data must be filled before genuinely ecological sustainable development can b planned. Enen where we have an existing human settlement that is targeted for urban renewal or redevelopment.
LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association believes that no early release like Teviot Downs should be announced or approved without the appropriate background studies being conducted or without the community having the opportunity to review any proposed development in their local area in the light of what is planned for Greater Flagstone UDA. The ULDA Greater Flagstone consultation has not begun, yet it will have a very significant impact across the Greenbank-New Beith –North Maclean-Flagstone area. Regardless of this, the community is being denied the right to be able to view this information before the completion of the DA process which is undemocratic and unacceptable.
The deficiencies in the environmental assessment and biodiversity assessment reports for this proposed development does not indicate ‘best practice’ environmental outcomes that the ULDA is promising to achieve for the Greater Flagstone area.
View LACAs submission here