SLOW Food is an international not-for-profit organisation founded in 1986 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions, people's dwindling interest in
the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world - people, communities, animals, plants and the environment. There are branches in SEQ and locally at Mt Tamborine. Contacts for Queensland are available here.
As the name suggests, Slow Food represents everything that fast food does not:
fresh, local, seasonal produce;
recipes handed down through generations;
sustainable farming practices (including organics);
small scale artisan food production; and
relaxed, leisurely dining in the company of family and friends.
Convivium (local Slow Food groups) activities introduce local foods and producers to both members and non-members, while Taste Workshops offer guided tastings with food experts. Find out more about the local Mt Tamborine group at their website linked here.
SLOW FRUIT is a current campaign to locate and capture images and information about sentinel fruit and nut trees and old orchards for Slow Food Australia's national Slow fruit register.
If you're handy with a camera or a mobile phone camera, photograph your tree, complete the Picking slow fruit food heritage information form with as much information as you know or can discover about the tree or orchard, variety and fruiting season, and email it to them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The form to complete is available here.
If you are keen to follow what is happening you can subscribe to the RSS feeds or just visit the webpage here.
A national registry of heritage fruit trees is a step towards protecting those varieties and genetics for following generations. Participants photographing and reporting trees will be eligible to enter a national photographic competition.