Full details of all candidates are available from Electoral Commission Queensland website here. For your convenience LACA has created this document
The divisions of 4, 7, 9 and 11 have large areas of undeveloped busland which are home to many native animals and remnant bushland with significant plant species. Division 9 seat is not contested. Division 8 is also not contested. It is home also to some large acreage - see image - which will be destroyed should PARK RIDGE CONNECTOR be approved by the new state government.
Logan Country Chamber of Commerce have arranged a meet the candidate night at PUB LANE TAVERN for Wednesday 18 April 2012 for Disision 11 candidates.
This was to have been our LACA JIMBOOMBA MEETING night. However the exec have decided to forgo that meeting to allow residents to access which candidate they will vote for. LACA exec members will be at the Pub Lane Tavern forum.
Think carefully what you value about living in a rural residential area and access how each candidate will take your voice to council. All councillors have opportunity to vote on all issues [unless there is a conflict of interests]. It is important that those who become a Chair of Committee are willing to listen to residents from all areas and it is also important that councillors are familiar with all areas and divsions across Logan City - a challenge for some who live in suburban built up areas.
In our choices we should be looking to the future. How will who we vote for and what we ask impact on the future. LACA is not anti development per se but continuing as we have done in the past will not provide safe healthy environment for our children - or native species.
The multitude of roads being planned is scary. Council is unable to maintain what we have, how can we build more? If we continue to make no provision for safe wildlife movements - will we have any wildlife left? Already with the road maintenance and closures altering traffic wildlife carers are reporting more road trauma and death.
LACA is working with the NO PRC group to have Logan Council's decision to support this gateway extension tollway / mororway overturned. What candidates will assist us with this - understand the environmental consequences. You can follow group on Facebook as well.
We will hold our Beaudesert meeting as usual - see calendar. If you have any LOGAN issues you want to discuss please contact us - see contact page.
All are welcome to attend either or both monthly meetings and raise any issue that relates to any aspect of environmental protection and education.
Council is developing a Community Infrastructure Strategy to determine the type and range of community facilities required in Logan City as the population grows. Council has seleted a group of people to participate in a Community Reference Group. The people chosen live or work in Logan and volunteer or use facilities such as Sport and recreation clubs, Community organisations eg Multi-cultural, Meals on Wheels, Community Centres, Respite Centres, Major venues - eg: Indoor Sports Centres, Aquatic Venues, Entertainment Centres, Community halls, neighbourhood centres, kindergartens, PCYC, Schools, preschools and tertiary institutions.
This is a significant planning project for community in partnership with Council Officers and council is to be commended for this strategic partnership.
As a member of Logan and Albert Conservation Association, longterm resident and teacher in Logan since 1984, Kathy Faldt completed an expression of interest for Council's Social Planning Team. Their contact is 3412 4631 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This information is available here.
Each member of the Community Reference Group has been provided with a link to the council's online SURVEY and this where to find it. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/cis
If you know anyone without computer access or skills here is a copy you can print off for them. Survey_Community_Infrastructure_LCC_August2010.pdf Bytes 01/01/1970, 10:00
Paper copies of survey closed 20 August 2010. Online survey closes 17 September - but get your response in asap please.
As a longterm committed conservationist and environmentalist I recognise the value that ecosystem services provided by the natural environment - the biodiversity infrastructure - plays an invaluable role in providing essential resources for human health wellbeing and development. In America there is an extensive program to ensure that children have opportunities to experience the natural environment.
Field Notes from the Future provides more detail on this movement and the work of Richard Louv. http://www.childrenandnature.org/blog/
but only if you tell all levels of government what you want
IS EXTINCTION OF THE LOCAL KOALA to be the cost of building houses shops powerlines and roads
The Logan City council planning scheme is being reviewed to combine 3 plans into one. The first round of community comment is in relation to the Statement of Proposals. This is a 20 page document with comments due by 23 October 2009. This link gives you that document.
In March 2008, as a result of local government reform, Logan City's boundaries were expanded to include part of Gold Coast City and part of the former Beaudesert Shire. Logan City Council sees itself as an accommodating partner in the Bligh government's SEQRP - a plan supposedly to manage the growth that is coming. As it stands now. the South East Regional Plan - and local town plans that endorse and even extend the urban footprint - as Logan requested - are plans that are annihilating koala habitat and therefore the local koala. Submissions may include why you support or oppose what Council is proposing, other issues you think need to be considered.
Logan City Council's submission to the draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 does not yet appear to be available directly on council's website. However it is
accessible in full as part of the minutes of the general meeting of 4 August 2009. Read the minutes and submission here. Go to PD4 File No: 399117-1 Id No: 5977012
You may - or may not - be surprised that Logan asked state government to extend the urban footprint in areas such as Logan Village, Jimboomba, Bahr's Scrub and North Maclean..
Does this reflect your lifestyle values?
Are you concerned about an ecologically sustainable future for Logan and all who live within the boundaries of almost 1000 square kilometres of the combined low density rural residential north Beaudesert area and the more urban settlements of Logan?
We all, the residents and citizens of Logan, have an opportunity to work together to learn to protect and enhance the natural environment. This does and will provide habitat and homes for the many native animals and also sustain the sub-tropical atmaosphere which we humans enjoy so much. Many creatures are being displaced and killed as a result of inappropriate clearing of vegetation.
A rapidly increasing human population is the driving force behind the eight proposed major development areas in Logan City. There has been no analysis of the carrying capacity of South East Queensland to place perhaps some constraints and conditions on developments.
The land has been, and is still, treated as a commodity from which we make money. The real cost has seldom been paid. With genuine ecologically sustainable development a balance can be achieved.
To take part in this forum you must belong to an incorporated group and be nominated as their representative. All members of such groups can raise concerns at group meetings and these may be included in the forum discussions.
Logan City Deputy Mayor, Councillor Russell Lutton, in supporting the new structure and leadership team, commended the decision to establish the new City Leadership Cabinet and said that the new Cabinet has been appointed to oversee the direction of the city and to ensure improved process and quality of decision-making in Standing Committees.
The new structure and leadership team were formally ratified at a Special Meeting of Council May 19, 2009.
Thank you to the reporters of Jimbooma Times for attending and covering community meetings. Many residents are interested in their community but are unable to attend meetings.
Letters to the editors allow us to air our views - not all of which are published.
This following letter to the editor is important for a few reasons. One of these is that it is essential that accuracy of reporting is important. What may have been discussed around the topic either before or after the meeting should not be presented as decisions within the meeting.
LETTER reads:
AS a resident and a community worker I have an aversion to incorrect information being disseminated in the community.
The article 'New centre is needed' published in the Jimboomba Times, 18 February 2009, states that 'Greenbank residents have voiced their support for a New Community Centre'.
I was one of the handful of community members in attendance, this does not represent 'the Greenbank residents' .
At the meeting several notions were discussed and notes taken at the meeting do not reflect support for a 'New Community Centre' .
As this group was accepted as a 'working group' by the few in attendance there is no need for a hierarchy.
This group was also accepted as an nominated by the community. This allows for community participation and input into formalising the working group.
The article omits information that four community members were nominated from the floor and that two of the nominees accepted the invitation to be a part of the working group.
Looking for funds at this point is not a viable option, there is much to be done before submissions can be made for land or a building. It can only be a vision and goal to work towards if the community agrees that this is what they want. The decision needs to be based on a majority of residents and not just eight or nine members. I urge the community to voice their opinions and have real input into this project.
Felicity Senhenn Greenbank
People living in Logan are being encouraged via Council Comment of Jimboomba Times 25 February 2009 speak out and have a say.
Regional plan
OUR best asset is without a doubt our people and your opinions are being sought on the future of Logan and the south-east region.
The Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 is now open for public comment.
Aimed at managing growth in a sustainable way, the draft plan will ensure the quality of life we enjoy in the south-east is protected and enhanced.
It tells us where and how the region will grow, guiding us to create well-planned developments. while also maintaining the existence of green space and environmental corridors. The draft plan is open for submissions until 3 April 2009, so I encourage you all to have your say and help shape our future.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Cr Ban on 3412 5912, 0411 869 027 or email at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
14 March 2009 Chambers Flat Community Hall is the venue for a community workshop to raise awareness, discuss issues, allow you opportunity to ask questions and have a say about the Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 .
Cr Graham Able will be opening the community workshop with speakers from Logan and Albert Conservation Association, Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland and Environmental Defenders Organisation. [LACA, WPSQ and EDO].
Henry Tuttiet journalist from the Jimboomba Times reported the concerns of local residents who have used the motocross park Black Duck Valley facilities for many years. It is also a concern that illegal trail bike riding in Logan City may increase as a result of the closure of this popular motocross park .
The popular park, located outside Gatton, has been forced to close down after it was unable to find insurance options to cover the park and the riders using it. Before its closure, the park was popular with trail bike riders who could legally ride on the 1500 acre property without worrying about police or disturbing nearby residents. The closure comes at a bad time for park operators and users, both of whom were gearing up for a busy Christmas period.
It is understood a group of concerned mayors from south-east Queensland, including Logan Mayor Pam Parker, Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale and Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, have joined forces and plan to meet with Premier Anna Bligh to discuss future options for the park.
As part of the Silent Voices forum, attendees received an invitation to meet with Mayor Pam Parker and Division 11 Councillor Hajnal Ban. Come along and Share a cuppa with the Mayor
When Friday 21 November 2008
Where Zarraffa's Coffee Shop Cusack Lane Jimboomba (near Coles).
Council's website advises that Division Six residents will have the opportunity to chat with Councillor Luke Smith during two community consultation days planned for November. See website for details. Bookings were needed for 2 days - 20 and 21 November. If successful, Cr Smith will continue to meet with residents in Loganholme and Bethania on a regular basis throughout 2009. Former Beaudesert Shire residents had monthly 'councillor access meetings'.
Seems this is not a common practice in Logan. We really appreciated knowing that opportunity was available - without booking. Are Logan councillors too busy to schedule some community access time?
SNEAKY politics had a win at Logan City Council's ordinary meeting last week.
But more importantly, ratepayers got their first true glimpse since the new council was sworn in of how politics is played in Logan City, and the picture painted was not pretty.
Deputy Mayor Russell Lutton's successful attempt to bypass debate and alter the recommendations attached to a confidential planning and development committee item should alarm Logan City ratepayers. Obviously unwilling to accept the recommendations put forward, Cr Lutton rallied enough votes to have a previous set of recommendations reinstated and the new recommendations dumped.
Some may say ‘that is democracy' as Cr Lutton had the numbers on the day, but it was the way the Deputy Mayor went about having the recommendations altered which is cause for concern. His latest move ensures relations between two factions which have appeared within Logan City Council will remain frosty. It also raises questions as to why Cr Lutton felt no additional debate was required on what most councillors have described as an item likely to have a "significant" impact on the city's growth.
Crs 'gagged' By Henry Tuttiett This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. THE veil of unity at Logan City Council has been shed as infighting between councillors boiled over during debate on a confidential planning and development report last week.
Although the report remains confidential, Jimboomba Times understands it concerns a submission to the State Government including information on the future development of North MacLean .
The report was titled 'Growth Management Core Matters' and was confidential under section 463 (l)(h) of the Local Government Act 1993 which states, "other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage".
Division 11 Councillor Hajnal Ban accused Deputy Mayor Russell Lutton of intentionally gagging the debate after he moved a procedural motion on the confidential planning report.
The details could not be debated in open council due to the confidential nature of the report and the motion was adopted.
The motion made redundant a set of recommendations previously agreed upon by councillors, instead reverting to the original recommendations.
The move created immediate unrest among councillor ranks with Crs Ban, Darren Power and Aidan McLindon recording their dissent against the motion and Sean Black recording his against the entire planning and development report.
Cr Ban said she was disgusted at how the issue was handled.
"I am not going to speak about anything in the report because obviously it's confidential," Cr Ban said
."But I think the way this was handled was deplorable. It makes a mockery of the local government process and democracy.
"Cr Ban said Cr Lutton intentionally moved the motion to block debate on the item, which she called "significant".
"I am disgusted the Deputy Mayor would move a motion which effectively gagged debate," she said.
"It didn't even allow the opportunity to move into closed session to debate. He was well within his right to do so but I don't think that item, as significant as it is should have been handled that way." .
Despite the report's confidential status, Cr Black hinted it had major implications for North MacLean.
"The biggest fear I have is I don't support the North MacLean precinct, where it's at," Cr Black said.
"It's not worth destroying the lives of the people living there. The revolting way the whole issue has been handled by council, long term, will be viewed by the public in a very poor light.
"The way it's been handled will enrage the community. It enraged me."
Cr McLindon said Cr Lutton's motion was politically motivated and unethical.
"At the executive (meeting prior to the ordinary meeting) we had all the amendments in front of us and everyone was happy. It's legal what they did but I don't think it was ethical."
Despite the motion, Cr McLindon said he did not think the report should have been confidential in the first place.
"It's secret politics and I don't like it at all," he said.
Planning and development committee chair Cr Cherie Dalley declined to comment while Cr Lutton did not return phone calls from Jimboomba Times.
• Editorial, page 32
If you are interested to follow discussions and decisions made by council concerning Environment and Sustainability issues, one way is to read the minutes of meetings. Council in May agreed to participate in EPAs Koala Habitat Mapping program and also a Queensland University research project called Conserving species in Human Modified Landscapes. The document for the committee meeting Tuesday 27 May 2008 is available on Logan's website.
The minutes of the previous meeting, available here contains discussion about State of Environment Queensland 2007.
The release of the report was widely reported in the media with the key issue of our ecological footprint being 7.19 global hectares which is three and a half times the world average. Whilst it states that this is 2% less than the Australian average, it must be recognised that this is very much a consumption based measure and the Australian average reflects more on the higher consumption rates of major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne.
Other key issues of relevance include:-
• Queensland's greenhouse gas emissions increased by 4.9% from 1999 to 2004 despite the reduction in tree clearing which contributed a fall of 26.2% for that sector of the emissions.
• Air quality remains good with few exceedences of the Air National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) and where they occurred in SEQ it was the result of essential burning programs and bushfires.
• Atmospheric concentrations of Ozone depleting substances continue to fall.
• The States wetlands continue to be lost at the rate of 7,000 hectares per year.
• Salinity is expected to affect 3.1 Million hectares by 2050.
• The Brisbane and Logan estuaries are reported for poor water quality.
• Point source discharges of nitrogen and phosphorus have reduced slightly but no data is available on diffuse discharges.
Meeting dates are available online here.
Matthew Killoran and Brenton Waters co-authored an aticle in the Jimboomba Times Wednesday 18June 2008 page 3. Local residents are most perturbed to read that Phil Pidgeon is supporting the inclusion of this Enterprise Precinct after they 'won over' the former local government body - Beaudesert Shire Council - with the assistance of the local councillor for that area Division 4 - Cr Hajnal Ban.
The text of the article reads
COUNCILLORS Hajnal Ban and Phil Pidgeon are headed for a clash over the North Maclean Enterprise Precinct as council (Logan City)works on its submission for the South East Queensland Regional Plan review. Industrial development plans for North Maclean drew widespread outrage when they were included in the State Government's initial South East Queensland Regional Plan.
At the time, the issue split the then Beaudesert Shire Council with Cr Ban arguing passionately against the proposal, despite several of her colleagues at first disapproving of her stance. Cr Ban, who sided with residents upset by the proposal. was e\ventually successful in winning oyer her colleagues who voted in favour of informing the State Government's now defunct Office of Urban Management (OCM) that the precinct was not needed.
The issue is set to reignite however after the enterprise precinct was included in the regional plan rev'iew, currently under way. Cr Ban said the "contentious" proposal should be removed permanently from the plan. "It's been a bone of contention for a number of years:' she said.
"Beaudesert Shire Council had a submission that the precinct be removed from the next review of the plan. ''I'm hopeful Logan City Council will adopt the position as well and support the removal of this precinct." However, Cr Ban may struggle to gain the support of all of her fellow colleagues with at least one speaking out against her position.
Cr Pidgeon has backed the precinct plans which he said could spark investment in North Maclean. "I think there has been significant ad hoc development in that area and my position is that it is a great idea to consolidate that," he said.
"It makes a lot of common sense to consolidate it and allow a bit more development on both sides of the highway to happen. I can't understand Cr Ban's position. Where would she suggest industry be located if not beside the highway? Does she want to put it in residential areas?"
Cr Pidgeon said the issue was yet to come to full council but when it did he expected a "very informed" debate to take place. Council is developing a submission on the South East Queensland Regional Plan as part of the State Government's review, but details will be kept confidential.
This statement of confidentiality does not foster confidence in openness and transparency in government. The stated intention of the SEQ Regional Plan is to contain urban sprawl. "Very informed" debate can only take place when data has been collected, read and digested by those debating the issues. This was one of the residents' initial concerns - availability of sufficienct ground truthed data.
A copy of the former council's media release is available here and says in part
"It is Council's opinion that the North Maclean Investigation Area is not required for enterprise purposes for the foreseeable future." By removing the enterprise precinct designation, the land would revert to regional landscape and rural production. "We now know that there will be a good balance between jobs and the population growth in our new cities and are able to clarify our long-term intent for the development of this land at North Maclean," Cr Cockburn said.
He said the State Government had originally designated North Maclean as an investigation area for a possible enterprise precinct in its South East Queensland Regional Plan.
Cr Hajnal Ban said she was happy with the outcome, given the environmental constraints of the land and residents' feelings on the issue. "I am pleased that the outcome has finally been determined. It gives the local community certainty about the future of North Maclean. I would also like to acknowledge the hard
work and effort put in by the community who actively participated throughout this process and fought against the enterprise precinct."
The local community must be given the opportunity to be involved if Logan City Council want to overturn the community wishes which were supported by their previous local government.
Residents living in western areas of Logan were invited to attend community forums held in Greenbank, Jimboomba and Logan Village. Council invited us to share your thoughts about life in our local area and how it could be improved or enhanced. The forum outcomes will inform service providers and Council of the projects the community considers most important.The outcomes will be collated and published on councils' website.
The big question is will they actually hear what we say and try to process further actions to meet our needs? Last forum was held at Greenbank Rural Fire Brigade, Ison Road Wednesday 12 November, 2008.
We also said that we valued our rural lifestyle and quality of life granted by benefits of both bush beauty and ecosystem services.
Two documents Climate Change Strategy 2008 and Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan are available for download and comment on council's website by 30 May 2008. To have your say an online feedback form is available.