large 480 hectare + property corner Teviot and Greenbank Roads?
Closes Mon 19 December 2016
EDQ No: DEV 2016/768 ( QLD GOVT)
for 96 – 102 Brightwell St,138 – 168 Teviot Rd and 456-520 Greenbank Rd QLD Greenbank, 4124
(Lots 205 & 434 on RP845844 and Lot 9 on S312355)
PDA Development Application for a Priority Development Area ( PDA) Preliminary approval for development generally in accordance with a Context Plan and PDA development permit for reconfiguring a lot (1 lot into 508 Residential Lots and Parkland) Material Change of Use for Residential uses ( Display Home, home based businesses, House, multiple residential and other residential), park, and sales office and operational works.
How many people will bother to look at this before Xmas?
Why has the developer timed it this way?
Any person may on or before 19/12/16 make a written submission to -
EDQ Development Assessment
Dept of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
PO BOX 15009, City East, QLD, 4002
Email: pdadevelopmentassessment@dilgp.qld.gov.au
Phone: Tom Barker 3452 7440
A single page letter - with your name and address - and your major concern can suffice as a submission.
Detailed objections are listed in another article to follow
Logan City is home to a significant koala population and has one of the world’s largest koala conservation centres located at Daisy Hill Conservation Park. This facility is a Queensland state government conservation park. The social and economic value of koalas to our city and nation is difficult to quantify however, it is undoubtedly significant. This Koala Conservation Strategic Plan aims to ensure the long-term viability of koalas in Logan City and demonstrates Council’s commitment to koala conservation over the long term. How well does Logan do it now and will koalas in Logan and surrounding areas be protected by implementing this 10 year strategic plan 2013-2023?
Have your say on the Koala Conservation Strategic Plan by completing the online survey before Friday 16 May 2014.
The link to this survey is http://lcc-consult.objective.com/portal/environment__sustainability/lkcsp?tab=info
For more information you can email environment@logan.qld.gov.au or phone 3412 44 91
Although there is no direct invitation - you can also email your submission to environment@logan.qld.gov.au. Online process will probably close at 5pm. Please send any late submissions also. Remember to include name/s and address/es of submitter/s and signing is preferred. You can also email council@logan.qld.gov.au
You will need to read this document http://www.logan.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/287691/2014-Logans-Koala-Conservation-Strategy.pdf to be able to comment on the 4 strategic outcomes - 28 page document with captivating images of koalas.
In summary, the plan is based on achieving the following key strategic outcomes:
• SO 1 – Improved science of koala ecology and habitat requirements in Logan;
In Logan, koalas are most frequently sighted in the eastern suburbs of the city including Daisy Hill, Shailer Park, Carbrook, Priestdale and Cornubia. Residents of Greenbank, Logan Village, Browns Plains especially Berrinba Sanctuary, Jimboomba, Munruben, Mundoolan and others will not agree.
To achieve a net increase in koala habitat in the city and South East Queensland it is essential that a regional approach is undertaken and areas of koala habitat are connected through ecological corridors.
• SO 3 – Improved koala safety and health;
Logan City is expected to grow by more than 200,000 residents over the next 20 years and beyond. Logan City will continue to be one of the fastest growing areas in Queensland with dramatically increasing urban development and increasing pressure on the natural environment and koala habitat.
• SO 4 – Increased positive community engagement and awareness of koala conservation actions.
To achieve the strategic outcomes of this Plan it is essential that it is supported by an active, engaged and supportive community including residents, land owners, businesses and the Development industry
The online survey basically asks you to answer same 4 questions about each outcomes
1. Are these actions the right actions to ....
2. Are there any actions that need to be changed to .....
3. Are there any additional actions you think we should be doing?
4. What ideas do you have to support the delivery of these actions?
and finally any extra comments. Please consider a submission regarding any point / points you are concerned about.
These could include -
Importance of using best possible and latest mapping. ie SEQCatchments Koala Habitat Map for Logan - with Regrowth map and Observations, Genome Barrier and Pinch Point Maps as has been done for Brisbane City Council.
Koala policies, programs, zones, map layers and legislation should be included in town plan not merely as offsets opportunities
Undertake and publish Natural Areas Management Plans
Invest in Koala Research
Use citizen scientist programs like Great Koala Count to track sightings and include results in mapping
Develop stronger land stewardship programs with community to reward incentivise residents to retain and extend bushland habitat.
Place higher value on existing habitat with existing koala populations being retained in perpetuity for wildlife ie such areas are not suitable for industry and housing developments. Rezoning of such land at Browns Plains for conservation is critical if Logan wants to consider itself - and be considered by others as a "proactive koala-friendly" community
Educating community on living with wildlife - especially koalas has to be a high priority to remove any misconceptions that exist
Koalas in SEQ are not protected and there in no connectivity not in Logan's new planning. The new Queensland Government SPP is a disaster for koalas and wildlife.
DECLARATION as ENDANGERED is needed. It won't happen unless community makes it happen!!
Please send your submission asap
Your choice to complete online - or write your signed submission and send to
Chief Executive Officer
Logan City Council
PO Box 3226
Logan City DC Qld 4114
or email to council@logan.qld.gov.au
While both Logan and state government support an OFFSET scheme to "pay for" koala habitat to be cleared, neither Logan and Albert Conservation Association LACA nor Australian Koala Foundation AKF supports a general offset policy,
LACA's document http://www.laca.org.au/images/Planning_Scheme_Environmental_Submission_writing_kit.5points_docx.pdf also has some points relevant to Koala Conservation Strategy
The Australian Koala Foundation has recently requested a change to Australia’s environmental offset system, which poses serious issues for the conservation of koalas. The current system allows the government to approve environmentally damaging building projects if the business pledges to make up for destruction of native habitat by providing similar habitat elsewhere. Deforestation has led to the decline in the genetic diversity of koalas, but has also increased disturbance, injury, stress, and competition for food or territory due to overcrowding. It also creates barriers that prevent koalas from roaming for mating purposes, and the addition of another habitat does not even ensure that koalas will migrate there.
The koala is considered a threatened species in three parts of Australia, but their habitat is being destroyed by removing irreplaceable foliage that they depend on. The destruction of native habitat creates major gaps or breaks across the koalas’ landscape. A recent study from the University of Queensland revealed the importance of maintaining at least 30% of forest land to ensure the koalas' survival. Results point to the importance of the species access to wide landscapes, because habitat isolation can threaten genetic diversity which is necessary to conservation. Researchers found that genetic diversity “dropped rapidly” once the country’s amount of forest land fell under 30%. It is important that the Australian government take measures to increase the amount of forest land to a level suitable for conserving the rapidly declining species koalas.
Many thanks to all the wildlife carers who rescue rehabilitate and release - from turtles to owls to koalas and kangaroos. They are always confronted with issue - where to they release and they are required to relocate to home territories of each animal. Will this endanger the wildlife - koala or other again. Lets reduce the risk by having a good conservation strategy - with teeth - in our town planning. Up to us to ask. Council does not have all the answers.
Despite the number of horrendous unsustainable development or infrastructure processses being proposed in Logan, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim and Ipswich, community strength and energy to defend the natural assets of the region remain strong and continue to strengthen. SEQ has significant biodiversity values that are appreciated by longterm residents in the region and we are determined to protect them despite the unreasonable economic pressures and expectations that big business, state government and corporations want to impose.
Pre-election promises of the Campbell Newman led LNP government have been broken and the local members must also feel our disappointment. A platform based on the four pillars of economy, construction, tourism and agriculture leaves both natural and built environment out of the equation.
Click on image to read article.
Disinformation is also challenging to deal with - especially when government changes the rules to suit its 'development at any cost' agenda - cost being only dollars for construction. Follow detailed history at VETO's website for analysis of issues an alternatives. Queensland Minister McArdle's approval of the second Loganlea to Jimboomba 110kV powerline allows Energex to continue to "Gold Plate" their network with more "poles & wires" when other alternatives are available.
The Logan City Council presented 3 planning options for Greater Flagstone in November 2009. Logan City Council’s Consultation Report ( 2010) for this process states that the Council received feedback from a total of 125 submitters - of which 100 were private submitters.
In 2006 there were approximately 20 325 people living in Flagstone, Greenbank, New Beith, Munruben and North Maclean. This means that the submissions received represented approximately 0.5 % or 0.6 %.Therefore Logan City Council’s preferred Option 1 (used by the ULDA) is not representative of the opinions of the majority of the community.
It is ludicrous to think that such a significant planning process for Greater Flagstone by the ULDA is based on only the preferences of 125 submitters .
Logan City Council provided 3 development options, the “pros and cons of each scenario were provided with all three options receiving similar preference”. Therefore Logan City Council’s preferred Option 1 (used by the ULDA) is not representative of the opinions of the majority of the community.
In the 3 Options proposed for Greater Flagstone by Logan City Council, the land uses for Greenbank Central , Greenbank East and North Maclean were almost identical in all 3 Options. Options 1 and 2 were identical and Option 3 had no industry located at Greenbank East .
Consequently the community has NEVER been given the democratic right to reject or seek alternatives for North Maclean , Greenbank Central or Greenbank East .
If you care about the future of North Maclean , Greenbank Central or Greenbank East, make a submission to ULDA Greater Flagstone UDA by May 20 to have your input considered. There will be little point in complaining in the future.
Koalas, quolls, powerful owls, glossy black cockatoos all use the habitat in these areas.
The major land mass for Greater Flagstone is west of the interstate railway line. Click on image to open ULDA map file.
Many people do not asociate Greenbank and North Maclean with an urban footprint tagged with Flagstone. Until now Flagstone has not even been a suburb of Logan but part of the suburb of Jimboomba. The Flagstone estate has been an area with small acreage development for many years with both primary and secondary schools within the area.
The use of creeks and rivers as the boundary line - cutting some proprties into two - is cause for concern since there are policies for protecting riparian corridors - but policies without teeth in legislation offer no protection.
To have such disparate areas proposed as a model city for development does not match my vision - or community vision expressed at WOSPP. Teviot Road and Cusack Lane are major access roads used by present population. High density development west of rail line will mean multiple crossing across the rail line to access Teviot Road.
There are many documents on ULDA website to read to make an informed submission. EDO workshops will be held to help you with submissions.
In 2004 the Mount Lindesay North Beaudesert Study Area (MLNBSA) was identified for investigation for increased human settlement. Logan and Albert Conservation members have been actively involved in asking to access for background studies and documents that may show support local council support for development in this area and also the onground biodiversity studies to show the existance of wildlife and their essential habitat.
Before 2004 we believe there was no study done to suggest Mount Lindesay North Beaudesert Study Area be included in investigation for increased human settlement. Yarrabilba a Delfin project was in discussion with Beaudesert Shire Council
Despite there being a RTI - Right to Information process LACA has not yet obtained copies of studies produced for Beaudesert Council at $4000000 cost to ratepayers. In fact SRRC and Logan Council both quibble about ownership of documents - and commercial in confidence.
Scenic Rim Council even in 2010 voted to NOT DISCLOSE TO LACA the NAMES of the documents.
GREENBANK people power - sign the E-petition
Governments - Queensland Government especially with the SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL PLAN SEQRP have been writing and talking about ecologically sustainable development ESD and sustainability.
The eight hundred local residents who gathered on the grounds at Greenbank - outside the hall - to hear CEO for ULDA Mr Paul Eagles and his chief planner Steve Connor appreciate the time given by these busy men to listen to our community concerns. That is also a huge contribution from the local citizens to help our planners developers and government achieve the best possible outcome for our global community.
However using a word or expresion to describe an activity doen't make it so. In 1992, the Commonwealth Goverment offered its own definition of ESD
Ecologically sustainable development is using, conserving, and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased.
This description can in no way be applied to the current high density housing proposal which may / may not be appoved before any semblance of community engagement with freedom to access background studies ground truthed and peer reviewed by local specialists.
A long term resident of Greenbank last night reported hearing the unmistakable calls / grunts of koalas in trees on his property. This information was relayed to me less than 40 minutes after the noisy koala. Evidence available to us that koalas are NOT locally extinct in Greenbank . We were both attending the SAVE GREENBANK CAMPAIGN meeting 23 February2011
If we can prove that our resident Greenbank Jimboomba Flagstone koalas are alive and well we will have a greater chance of delaying inappropriate development.
Many of us have resident koalas that we see but do not report. Please report your sightings to LACA president Anne Page mkpage@bigpond. We have arranged to have our wildlife sightings accepted by DERM and ULDA.
SPOTTED TAILED QUOLL have also been seen in the area. We need to update that data also. GLOSSY BLACK COCKATOOS are another significat species. While all species are important to the survival of the habitat humans also need to have a healthy lifestyle, the more iconic species named carry greater levels of protection.
The biodiversity of SEQ is threatened - and that includes we humans. Our wildlife species need the humans who co-exist with them enjoying the same ecosystem services as the wildlife to speak up and contact the governing authorities.
We need each other to continue to enjoy our healthy lifestyle that is so popular. However, if you do not reduce our damaging impact on the natural environment, then we will destroy what we love. If we do not all tell governments that their planning is inadequate then we will lose our iconic and state emblem - the koala - except perhaps for those born in captivity who are unable to survive in natural bushland areas - like Freckles.
FRECKLES pictured aside attended Logan's LEAF event 2010. She is an ambassador to alert us to the plight of all koalas - especially those in SEQ and in all ULDA areas - Greenbank, North Maclean, Flagstone, New Beith, Yarrabilba, Undalla, Ripley and the whole Scenic Rim area which has other threats - mining and quarrying to support the huge population coming our way. CANBERRA was not planned in 6 months. Business as usual is no longer an option. Consultants for the high density housing proposal at Greenbank suggest that our local koalas are already extinct?
WE know that is not true because we see and hear koalas throughout our area.
Please send your information to LACAs President mkpage@bigpond.com so we can collate and forward to ULDA and DERM.
Go through all of your photos so we can produce a gallery of our local wildlife and add to our submissions
Come along to the next public meetings - every Wednesday at Greenbank www.save.greenbank.com.au for details.
which provides for appropriate consultation period for current residents citizens and voters in Logan is not appreciated.
The solidarity for this opinion was expressed at a local meeting held at the grounds of the Greenbank community Centre Wednesday 9 February.
According to the ULDA, this is less than 1% so why are we concerned? When the ULDA comes to your area the opportunity for appropriate community consultation disappears. ULDA is the URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY which is another level of legislative authority which answers only to Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe. Most people are surprised to learn that development at Greenbank - East and West of Teviot Road, and the proposed investigation North Maclean Enterpise Precinct are all part of the Greater Flagstone Area. This area is targeted by State government to be home to over 120,000 people in our lifetime.
People living at Teviot Downs currently enjoy an open acreage living lifestyle which our native wildlife share. The wider Greenbank community has even larger acreage blocks where many wilflife carers live rehabilitate injured creatures. When you live on 320 m2 blocks there is little room for the kangaroos or wallabies.