LACA submission to the Senate Inquiry for koalas
Inquiry into the status, health and sustainability of Australia's koala population
All submissions received by the Committee can be read here. The submissions will be followed by interviews with those who made submission
Logan and Albert Conservation Association is no 49. Read LACAs submission here.
sub49_SENATE_koala_inquiry2011.pdf 02/03/2011, 14:39

The Senate Inquiry is now in full swing and we are waiting to find out when the hearings will occur. There were 65 submissions and Australian Koala Foundation is No. 25. AKF staff are slowly reading through all the submissions and some of them, particularly from the development industry, are just quite shocking.
The Senate document AKF wrote is the culmination of 25 years of long hard work and they are offering supporters a chance to become part of koala history by sponsoring a page for $100.
If you are able to do this, please click here to choose your page - it is a unique opportunity and we hope you will be able to support this AKF fundraising initiative.
AKF submision is available here