Logan City is home to a significant koala population and has one of the world’s largest koala conservation centres located at Daisy Hill Conservation Park. This facility is a Queensland state government conservation park. The social and economic value of koalas to our city and nation is difficult to quantify however, it is undoubtedly significant. This Koala Conservation Strategic Plan aims to ensure the long-term viability of koalas in Logan City and demonstrates Council’s commitment to koala conservation over the long term. How well does Logan do it now and will koalas in Logan and surrounding areas be protected by implementing this 10 year strategic plan 2013-2023?
Have your say on the Koala Conservation Strategic Plan by completing the online survey before Friday 16 May 2014.
The link to this survey is http://lcc-consult.objective.com/portal/environment__sustainability/lkcsp?tab=info
For more information you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 3412 44 91
Although there is no direct invitation - you can also email your submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Online process will probably close at 5pm. Please send any late submissions also. Remember to include name/s and address/es of submitter/s and signing is preferred. You can also email cThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You will need to read this document http://www.logan.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/287691/2014-Logans-Koala-Conservation-Strategy.pdf to be able to comment on the 4 strategic outcomes - 28 page document with captivating images of koalas.
In summary, the plan is based on achieving the following key strategic outcomes:
• SO 1 – Improved science of koala ecology and habitat requirements in Logan;
In Logan, koalas are most frequently sighted in the eastern suburbs of the city including Daisy Hill, Shailer Park, Carbrook, Priestdale and Cornubia. Residents of Greenbank, Logan Village, Browns Plains especially Berrinba Sanctuary, Jimboomba, Munruben, Mundoolan and others will not agree.
It is important to note that current data on koala presence in Logan is mostly anecdotal and not a result of targeted scientific surveys. Council has little knowledge of koalas from former Beaudesert areas and as there have been no funded onground field studies, residents reported sightings are regarded as "anecedotal".
• SO 2 – Increased quality protected koala habitat in Logan;
To achieve a net increase in koala habitat in the city and South East Queensland it is essential that a regional approach is undertaken and areas of koala habitat are connected through ecological corridors.
• SO 3 – Improved koala safety and health;
Logan City is expected to grow by more than 200,000 residents over the next 20 years and beyond. Logan City will continue to be one of the fastest growing areas in Queensland with dramatically increasing urban development and increasing pressure on the natural environment and koala habitat.
• SO 4 – Increased positive community engagement and awareness of koala conservation actions.
To achieve the strategic outcomes of this Plan it is essential that it is supported by an active, engaged and supportive community including residents, land owners, businesses and the Development industry
The online survey basically asks you to answer same 4 questions about each outcomes
1. Are these actions the right actions to ....
2. Are there any actions that need to be changed to .....
3. Are there any additional actions you think we should be doing?
4. What ideas do you have to support the delivery of these actions?
and finally any extra comments. Please consider a submission regarding any point / points you are concerned about.
These could include -
Importance of using best possible and latest mapping. ie SEQCatchments Koala Habitat Map for Logan - with Regrowth map and Observations, Genome Barrier and Pinch Point Maps as has been done for Brisbane City Council.
Koala policies, programs, zones, map layers and legislation should be included in town plan not merely as offsets opportunities
Undertake and publish Natural Areas Management Plans
Invest in Koala Research
Use citizen scientist programs like Great Koala Count to track sightings and include results in mapping
Develop stronger land stewardship programs with community to reward incentivise residents to retain and extend bushland habitat.
Place higher value on existing habitat with existing koala populations being retained in perpetuity for wildlife ie such areas are not suitable for industry and housing developments. Rezoning of such land at Browns Plains for conservation is critical if Logan wants to consider itself - and be considered by others as a "proactive koala-friendly" community
Educating community on living with wildlife - especially koalas has to be a high priority to remove any misconceptions that exist
Koalas in SEQ are not protected and there in no connectivity not in Logan's new planning. The new Queensland Government SPP is a disaster for koalas and wildlife.
DECLARATION as ENDANGERED is needed. It won't happen unless community makes it happen!!
Please send your submission asap
Your choice to complete online - or write your signed submission and send to
Chief Executive Officer
Logan City Council
PO Box 3226
Logan City DC Qld 4114
or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
While both Logan and state government support an OFFSET scheme to "pay for" koala habitat to be cleared, neither Logan and Albert Conservation Association LACA nor Australian Koala Foundation AKF supports a general offset policy,
LACA's document http://www.laca.org.au/images/Planning_Scheme_Environmental_Submission_writing_kit.5points_docx.pdf also has some points relevant to Koala Conservation Strategy
The Australian Koala Foundation has recently requested a change to Australia’s environmental offset system, which poses serious issues for the conservation of koalas. The current system allows the government to approve environmentally damaging building projects if the business pledges to make up for destruction of native habitat by providing similar habitat elsewhere. Deforestation has led to the decline in the genetic diversity of koalas, but has also increased disturbance, injury, stress, and competition for food or territory due to overcrowding. It also creates barriers that prevent koalas from roaming for mating purposes, and the addition of another habitat does not even ensure that koalas will migrate there.
The koala is considered a threatened species in three parts of Australia, but their habitat is being destroyed by removing irreplaceable foliage that they depend on. The destruction of native habitat creates major gaps or breaks across the koalas’ landscape. A recent study from the University of Queensland revealed the importance of maintaining at least 30% of forest land to ensure the koalas' survival. Results point to the importance of the species access to wide landscapes, because habitat isolation can threaten genetic diversity which is necessary to conservation. Researchers found that genetic diversity “dropped rapidly” once the country’s amount of forest land fell under 30%. It is important that the Australian government take measures to increase the amount of forest land to a level suitable for conserving the rapidly declining species koalas.
Many thanks to all the wildlife carers who rescue rehabilitate and release - from turtles to owls to koalas and kangaroos. They are always confronted with issue - where to they release and they are required to relocate to home territories of each animal. Will this endanger the wildlife - koala or other again. Lets reduce the risk by having a good conservation strategy - with teeth - in our town planning. Up to us to ask. Council does not have all the answers.