Council is eager to ensure that adequate funding and provision of infrastructure is provided in a timely manner to help meet demand. Council will work with the ULDA over the coming months to agree on appropriate funding rates, timing of revenue and to achieve an equitable split of revenue between the infrastructure providers.
The media release is available here.
However state government has capped infrastructure charges and has also legislated to delay payment of those charges.
Building display homes within 12 months is the target set by ULDA Act with only 30% affordable housing. Within the UDA [Urban Development Area] ULDA is not constrained by any planning templates, policies or standards. All barriers to development will be identified and solutions formulated - within a time frame too short to gather seasonal environmental data.
The letter from ULDA CEO Paul Eagles [former Delfin Lend Lease CEO] to Productivity Commission states that Queensland hs moved to a 'best practice' planning system. Read the letter here.
Planning is supposed to also include comunity planning as well - not if it's a UDA
Link or document outlining 150 objections / concerns will be posted here soon. It forms part of council ordinary minutes for May.