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MIRVAC _ submission template - closes Monday 19 Dec 2016

Reasons for objecting to concept plan as presented are summarised below. They are extracted from the whole document file you can download



docxMap of proposed site 

  1. Application for Area 1 in Southwest corner is partial only. Explain that all 3 areas should be considered together - see pdf file above
  2. Value of dam
  3. Rare and threatened species on whole property
  4. EPBC protected species - spotted tail quolls (Endangered), koalas (Vulnerable), grey-headed flying foxes (Vulnerable), greater gliders (Vulnerable)
  5. Queensland NCA listed species - glossy black cockatoos (Vulnerable), powerful owls (Vulnerable), wallum froglet (Vulnerable), tusked frog (Vulnerable) 
  6. Logan City Council threatened species – wallum froglet, tusked frog, yellow-bellied gliders, powerful owls, glossy black cockatoos
  7. Large mobs of eastern grey kangaroos (over 100+ individuals) and red neck wallabies on site utilise water sources and grass areas for feeding. Macropods are known to move from grass areas to woodland/forested areas. There have been no surveys of macropods undertaken in the Environmental Assessment. AREA 1 and the whole property has very significant value to Macropod species known to exist onsite (100+) 
  8. The environmental values of this 482 hectare property (the largest land holding in the area and local landscape) provides a critical stepping stone in the landscape, fauna movement corridors that cannot be replaced in this location offsets will never compensate for the loss of this environmental asset.  

    “ the subject site remains one of the last large rural properties in the immediate landscape predominantly comprised of rural residential development” (Saunders Havill Group MIRVAC TECHNICAL ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT p 3) 

Roads and public transport and mobility concerns 

  1. To avoid developing more CAR-CENTRIC housing estates - public transport and cycling / shared pedestrian lanes must be available. Application does not consider cumulative impacts of other PDA developments approved or in application. Traffic modelling underestimates increased traffic figures - and hence greater roadkill of native fauna e.g. kangaroos, red neck wallabies, koalas.This development should not be approved
  2. Appendix H Movement Network Impacts refers to the Salisbury to Beaudesert Rail Corridor Study – Planning (p 6). Local residents have been informed about the ‘possibility’ of passenger rail for the last 30 years, however there are no final plans and no funding for this in 2016. A recent news report in the local Jimboomba Times dated Wednesday 23 November 2016 (page 4) reported Logan City Councilor Trevina Schwarz stating “We’ve been waiting since the 80s to see some movement on the proposed rail line”, “we still don’t have any confidence or confirmation on when and if the project will be delivered”.
  3. Station locations proposed as part of the Salisbury to Beaudesert Review of Environmental Factors (REF) Study alter to that of the Greater Flagstone Urban Development Planning Scheme. In accordance with the Scheme, a station is proposed within 500m of the site in the vicinity of Leanne Court, however this location is not finalised, nor is the project committed for further funding.” 
  4. The MIRVAC Development Application Report (p25) states “The abovementioned road network provides further opportunities for a public transport (bus) route to be delivered at a later date by Translink “.

  5. Mount Lindesay Strategic Transport Network Investigation – Strategic Planning (p7)  The public transport component of this project recommends the establishment of regional bus networks on major roads within and external to the PDA. Teviot Road is proposed to form part of the regional bus network between Flagstone and Browns Plains. This study is strategic in nature and there is no current programmed  implementation of bus services in addition to the very limited existing TransLink network centred on the Mt Lindesay Highway.  
  6. Interim Public Transport Service The PDA Development Scheme requires development to contribute to an interim public transport service for up to 5 years or until the fare box income exceeds 30% of running costs, whichever is sooner. The implementation of this interim service will be further investigated in consultation with relevant stakeholders including Translink and EDQ.

    It is evident that public transport will not be available in the immediate future – this development should not be approved.  


       The existing vegetation has existing habitat, biodiversity and wildlife value – it should not be removed. This development should not be approved. No offset can replace this stepping stone or these environmental assets, especially at this location in the Greater Flagstone Area.

    2. “ approximately 2/3s of the site remains vegetated”(Technical Ecological Assessment Report p36)
    3. On site vegetation surveys confirmed “the majority of the site contains remnant [ endangered, and of concern] and regrowth vegetation [ endangered and of concern]“
    4. regrowth vegetation – has habitat value as well s e.g. koala and other species
    5. not of concern vegetation is important for providing connectivity and habitat to remnant vegetation areas
    6. All vegetation currently on this site provides habitat for fauna
    7. LACK OF CERTAINTY                                                                         The development application requests to “ lock in” elements of the CONTEXT PLAN , however, there are other parts of this application where MIRVAC requests “ flexibility” to make future changes e.g. Area 2 is subject to future investigations. However, the community is expected to comment on this Context Plan as it is presented now – the CONTEXT PLAN is intended to “become the principal planning document” for this site. This is not acceptable to the community.
    8. PROPOSED ‘ECOLOTS’ ( AREA 2 – in SE part of MIRVAC site).

      The 70 – 75 Ecolots in AREA 2 should be removed from the Context Plan and added to the Conservation Zone. 

    9. Northern interface area (Northern section of Area 3 – Brightwell St and Campbell Rd). The Northern Interface Area should be removed from the CONTEXT PLAN. This northern section should be retained as a linear park to extend from Teviot Rd to the Conservation Zone.                 
  • NORRIS CREEK and WATERWAYS                                                        Environmental surveys have confirmed the habitat and ecological importance of Norris Creek, especially the central tributary that flows from west to east across the MIRVAC site. NO development in the northern section and south-east section of the property should be permitted – this will protect the water quality and habitat along the northern, and southeastern tributaries, which flow into Norris Creek and runs through Wearings Reserve in Munruben. This supports the protection of the south-east part of the property as Conservation Zone as well. Norris Creek is mapped as essential habitat for Wallum Froglet (Vulnerable NCA Qld). 
  • FLOODING Existing residents in Munruben with properties affected by flooding along Norris Creek ( e.g. Greenhill Rd) may receive greater flood impacts if vegetation is cleared. Clearing vegetation and increasing hard surfaces on the MIRVAC property will increase runoff . Norris Creek flows through sandy soils which erode very easily and increase sediment risks downstream as well.  

  • EROSION RISK  Clearing vegetation and increasing hard surfaces on the MIRVAC property will increase runoff which will cause greater erosion risks in the local sandy soils. 

  •  ECO LOT PRECINCT see separate article at
  • Read 3013 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:46