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Loganlea to Jimboomba network upgrade - submission help


Loss of essential habitat for koalas, gliders glossy black cockatoos and other wildlife.

Loss of scenic amenity and destruction of ambience of natural bushland.

Continuing investment of our money in old technology ie high poles and coal fired electricity.

Loss of opportunity to invest in renewable energies and more.

Logan River health is further impacted.

koala-CampCableRdEnergex is proposing to increase its capacity to supply power by building more towers in the same way as has been done in the past. The proposed Loganlea to Jimboomba network upgrade is an approximately 22 kilometre, 110,000v (110kV) powerline of predominantly overhead construction from Loganlea Substation on Meakin Road, Loganlea to Jimboomba Substation, located on Camp Cable Road, Jimboomba.The proposed new 110kV powerline will, if constructed, help provide additional security and reliability to the electricity supply to the broader Mt Lindesay, Jimboomba and northern Beaudesert areas, including support for future development in Flagstone and Yarrabilba.

Although Logan City media statements accept the future development in Flagstone and Yarrabilba, they are not supportive of the way Energex are wanting to deliver energy to an increased populution.

Here is our template to help you put in your submission - by Friday 9 July 5 pm.


People power has swayed Energex to reduce the number of crossings over the Logan River but as yet our campaigning has not put the powerlines underground for the whole distance.

One of our greatest concerns is that adequate backgound and on ground flora and fauna studies have not been done along the proposed changed corridor for power easements. Recently at Mt Alford the Energex work crew were met with two koalas mating in trees which were marked for clearing. No one could tell a local resident what the red paint on the trees meant - until Energex workers came along to remove all such trees. Fortunately the koalas presence saved the trees.

What if they hadn't been there? Koalas do move around - a five kilometre home range is common. They use more than one tree and are - like many of our native  animals - terratorial, roaming around their home range.


Read 4227 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44