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What is happening re NORTH MACLEAN and proposed ENTERPRISE PRECINCT NMEP?

and what YOU can do now.

Have you signed the petition yet - and shared?

The decision from the EPBC section of federal government under Federal MP Greg Hunt is still pending. Those of us in community who were appalled by the lack of information provided for assessment understand that more information has been requested by EPBC assessment team.

Regardless of the conditions still to be set down by EPBC, community will then raise our concerns with the Queensland State government and specifically EDQ which is the planning authority for PDAs

 Further information can be checked from the following link

NORTH MACLEAN is part of the Greater Flagstone UDA and included in the approved Development Scheme available at

Community action must continue with State Government to achieve best possible outcomes for environment and community.  

To date development favours development industry without genuine accountability for quadruple bottom line targets.

Consider joining our conservation organisation. Always keep an eye out for wildlife and


Engage with your community - face to face - or online. We have formed a group 

Logan Community Environment Watch

 Logan Community Environment Watch is a grassroots group aligned with the values and principles of Logan and Albert Conservation Association Inc. It is made up of individuals and local groups who are concerned about inappropriate development ie those that do not consult with affected community or consider principles of ecological sustainable development .

Our mission is to protect Logan’s natural, environmental, cultural and agricultural resources from inappropriate development proposals and to educate and empower all our citizens to demand sustainable solutions.
The group is committed in all its activities to the following principles:
1. That robust scientific assessment, the precautionary principle and the principle of intergenerational equity should guide decision-making.

2. That communities should have the ultimate say, within the context of principle 1.

3. That it will support all and any communities who support the objectives of the group

By and in campaigning against inappropriate development, Logan Community Environment Watch LCEW has these central aims:

1. To protect local rivers, creeks, wetlands water systems.

2. To protect Logan’s ecosystems, biodiversity and wildlife.

3. To protect the health and wellbeing of Logan’s many communities

4. To protect Aboriginal and cultural heritage in Logan.

Read 2837 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:46