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 which provides for appropriate consultation period for current residents citizens and voters in Logan is not appreciated.

The solidarity for this opinion was expressed at a local meeting held at the grounds of the Greenbank community Centre Wednesday 9 February.

According to the ULDA, this is less than 1% so why are we concerned? When the ULDA comes to your area the opportunity for appropriate community consultation disappears. ULDA is the URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY which is another level of legislative authority which answers only to Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe. Most people are surprised to learn that development at Greenbank - East and West of Teviot Road, and the proposed investigation North Maclean Enterpise Precinct are all part of the Greater Flagstone Area. This area is targeted by State government to be home to over 120,000 people in our lifetime.

People living at Teviot Downs currently enjoy an open acreage living lifestyle which our native wildlife share. The wider Greenbank community has even larger acreage blocks where many wilflife carers live rehabilitate injured creatures. When you live on 320 m2 blocks there is little room for the kangaroos or wallabies.

There are many environmental issues with converting trees and forested areas to hard surface areas. Check out what is entailed in the development application - which will be approved by ULDA - not our local council. Go to this page. Please explore what else ULDA has done and is responsible for.

Currently Queensland Government has made no committment to provide public transport until 2031. More cars more roads with little money for any other real community infrastructure - such as a wildlife rescue ambulance, a neighbourhood centre, pathways to ride bikes and mobility scooters and a demonstrati sustainability centre / precinct.

The local community are galvanising on this issue at Please visit the site and have your say on our future.

Also see coverage at Flagstone residents rail against new city


Read 9447 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44