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Changes to LACA meetings

NEXT LACA LOGAN MEETING 7.30 pm at Jimboomba 17 October 2012 at Caddies in South St at Jimboomba
At the recent  LACA AGM we made a change in the meeting schedule to alternate monthly  meetings -Beaudesert meetings SEQ Catchments 3 Eaglesfield St – Sept, Nov ( 2012) from 7.30 pm on 4th Thursday of the month - our longstanding meeting night
Jimboomba meetings for even numbered months of the year - Caddies in South Street Jimboomba  - Aug, Oct ( 2012) from 7.30 pm on 3rd Wednesday of the month.

This means there is only one general meeting per month. We were meeting twice plus an exec.  A great deal of our business happens outside these official meetings when we attend other group meeings to support them and also an enormous amount of correspondence between times.

We hope these arrangements suit all. Please contact us at any time with any concerns relating to environmental issues and sustainable development. Do you have a FACEBOOK page? Please like and join us HERE.

SKYPE online meeting is possible at Beaudesert only - with  prior arrangement by email. We are newbies at this and if anyone wants to manage that aspect we'd be most appreciative.

Phone our treasurer Carla Parker on mobile 0408785448 for further details or email Kathy Faldt kfaldt [at] 

Read 61097 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:45