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PLASTIC POLLUTION - What we can do about it

Turtle-on-TEEB brochureFREE SCREENING OF BAG IT - Is your life too plastic

6.30 pm Thursday 21 February

Logan Village State School Hall 25 -39 North Street Logan Village

Waterway litter, particularly plastics, pose a serious threat to our turtles and other marine wildlife. Current research shows that up to 30% of turtle deaths in Moreton Bay are caused by the ingestion of plastic litter.

Healthy Waterways Clean Up crew collect over 250,000 items of floating litter from South East Queensland's waterways every year.

LACA VETO and Greater Logan Canoe Club - supported by HEALTHY WATERWAYS are showing this film  to launch our local Logan Plastic Pollution Revolution.

Come along, watch film learn more about  why and what we all care about.

Logan River is one of our city's greatest natural treasures.   Turtles Gutful RGB logo


We do not want it to be a drain carrying plastic - or any litter - down to 

Moreton Bay where these bits - that NEVER BIODEGRADE - will harm marine life.

Floating human litter and other carelessly discarded items also reduce our human pleasure in river related activities.

You are also invited to take part in our CLEANUP AUSTRALIA DAY - RIVER CLEANUP on Sunday 3 March at Larry Storey Park Waterford.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information

Volunteer by registering at

See flyer for both activies here. pdfClean-up_Ad_v4.pdf

Read 2622 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:45