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Logan and Albert Conservation Association

 The Logan and Albert Conservation Association: 

  • plays an active role in the protection and enhancement of the environment with particular emphasis on the Scenic Rim Region, Logan City, and areas immediately adjacent.
  • promotes the concept of environmental sustainability as an essential criterion of planning for development.
  • informs the community on all aspects of conservation.
  • researches and reports on current and proposed activities likely to affect the local environment.
  • encourages the widest possible public consultation and informed debate on matters of conservation and environmental importance to the local community.

The Logan and Albert Conservation Association is your local environmental information centre.

We meet every month alternating between Beaudesert and Jimboomba - except for December.

Jimboomba meetings are held at Dorrington House in Joanna Street Jimboomba  - February, April, June, August and  October from 7.30 pm on 4th Thursday sday of the month  (for even numbered months ) - opposite Police Station

Beaudesert meetings ( for odd numbered months) at Beaudesert Community Arts & Information Centre Westerman Park, Cnr Mt Lindesay Highway and Enterprise Drive, Beaudesert 4285.  – January, March, May, July, September from 7.30 pm on 4th Thursday of the month. 

For more information phone Carla on 0408 785448 or Anne on 3297 0624  or email Kathy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please come and join us for a few hours of friendly discussion, planning and action.  Visitors are always welcome. Volunteers are always needed if you would like to help out occasionally - or help with specific projects.

We also host a number of public meetings and community information workshops during the year.

Details of all events are published in the Events calendar and  local press releases. More information can be obtained by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read 14701 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 12:01