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Traveston Dam gets approval - government spin

no-dam_logoCourier Mail reported 12 September 2009

Queensland Co-Ordinator General Colin Jensen has signed off on the Traveston Dam project - with a host of new environmental conditions, including more protection for endangered fish, frogs and turtles in the Mary River.

Work will start at the site near Gympie by early next year if federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett gives his approval. Bruce Highway upgrades will also begin with the work.

But anti-dam campaigners will be angered by the latest developments and are likely to step up their legal action. They have vowed to fight the case to the High Court if it is necessary.


Premier Anna Bligh welcomed Mr Jensen's eco-approval and the strict conditions to build the dam. She announced that Mr Jensen has come up with extensive new conditions under which he believed the dam could proceed.

"This decision comes after the most extensive environmental work on probably any project in our history. It has taken two years to get to this point," Ms Bligh said.

"The Coordinator-General has advised the Federal Government that he believes the dam can proceed with conditions.

"The Federal Minister should make a decision on the environmental issues surrounding the dam by November.

"If (Mr Garrett) gives approval, work on Traveston Dam will start in the New Year, supporting thousands of jobs in Queensland and providing water security for the region."

She said the conditions would make the dam the "greenest" in Australian history.

The new measures are unlikely to impress anti-dam campaigners, but the Premier said many species would become extinct if the dam did not go ahead.

From the community protesting damming the Mary River we get an explanation of the processes to be followed and the comment

After all, it's just a media statement from a couple of people not reknowned for their compassion or regard for their impact on other peoples lives.

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Read 5651 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43