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INQUIRY INTO SMART GROWTH AND TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT TO REDUCE CAR DEPENDENCY IN SEQ was announced on 21 November 2008. Submissions closd 16 January 2009.

smartgrowth.gifThe Travelsafe Committee of the 52nd Parliament is inquiring into Smart Growth and Transit Oriented Development to reduce car dependency in South East Queensland. In this inquiry the committee will investigate and report on:

  • Car dependency in South East Queensland;
  • The influence of town planning and urban design on travel needs and choices;
  • The benefits of Smart Growth and Transit Oriented Development to reduce car dependency, encourage travel by other transport modes and improve sustainability in South East Queensland; and
  • Measures governments should implement to overcome barriers to these forms of development in South East Queensland.

In the media release to announce this inquiry Chair of the Travelsafe Committee, Jo-Ann Miller MP for Bundaberg said
"SEQ needs better urban planning for people, not planning for cars. Smart Growth approaches such as Transit Oriented Development have been very successful elsewhere, but haven't really taken hold in SEQ. We are keen to understand why. You shouldn't have to be rich to live in better planned housing. It should be within everyone's reach."
"Smart Growth is the opposite of unmanaged urban sprawl. It is about strategic planning to encourage self-contained communities, with a mix of business, retail and other precincts and high quality public transport in walking distance of a mix of housing types."
Guidelines for making a submission are available here.

It is important to note that All submissions must include

(i) the name,

(ii) a postal address and

(iii) a daytime contact telephone number of the person who makes the submission.

The sumission may be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (attach document)

Alternatively you can complete an online form available here.

An inquiry into into public transport in South East Queensland was held in 2000. Transcripts of three sessions can be downloaded here.

It may also be helpful to read the fourteen page integrated transport document which is part of SEQRP. This document describes a connected and accessible region based on an integrated transport system that supports more compact urban growth and efficient travel; connects people, places, goods and services; and promotes public transport use, walking and cycling.

The joint release by Premier The Honourable Anna Bligh and Minister for Transport, Trade, Employment and Industrial Relations The Honourable John Mickel on 5 June 2008 foreshadows transit orientated development. Read the media release here.

Maps and information about the Eastern Busway route from Buranda to Capalaba can be sourced from here.

A useful document about Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) was published by the Built Environment Research Unit of QG Department of Public Works. It was prepared by Dale Gilbert and Simon Ginn in 2001. That publication was called Transit Oriented Sustainable Developments  and can be downloaded here. It is possibly the origin of the expression 'Live Work Play' used in some local and state planning documents.

The author summarize that the report, within the constraints of time and budget,  covered the main research aspects. It concentrates on the barriers and opportunities towards integrating land-use and transport planning around public transport interchanges, as presented to the National Taskforce (NGS5.3) on stages 1 & 2 of the original Approved Brief.
Stages 3 & 4 will be the subject of further research to scope and investigate aspects such as air quality, water and energy conservation and waste management. This will lead to a package approach to reduce greenhouse gas and pollution within the built environment. In addition, phases 3 & 4 will investigate the incorporation of some of the key integrated land-use and transport planning greenhouse gas mitigation techniques and methodologies investigated in projects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 6 and 8, as presented to the National Taskforce (NGS 5.3).
These wider, sustainable aspects of the project will then culminate in a fully integrated project with one or two key demonstration projects emerging in urban Australia, subject to political will and funding provisions.
The key research findings from phases 1 & 2 have established the following main integrated land-use and transport planning recommendations. These will help to realize TODs in urban Australia.

Delfin Property Group Limited - Varsity Lakes (QLD) was one of the developers included in discussions with key councils, developers and transit operators to gauge their opinions as to the barriers and opportunities surrounding the introduction of TODs into Australia. I believe the development at Varsity Lakes includes some of the principles of TODs.

The key research finding derived from the household survey. showed that 75% of households interviewed were of the opinion that they could support the TOD concept as a suitable form of living arrangement for themselves or members of their family either now or in the foreseeable future. Tables included show that

the respondents' high level of stated preference (83% agreed or strongly agreed) was towards access of nature walks near home. This Stated Preference question was designed to determine how important the incorporation of natural walkways could be as a potential TOD feature. In a similar vein the respondents' indicated a high level of stated preference towards having retirement villages close to shops and services.

Read 3401 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42