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The future of our state is everyones business

haveyoursay.jpgThe current Queensland government lead by Premier Bligh is proposing a vision for Queensland in 2020 called Towards Q2.  Do you share the same vision? What is important to you and your community? This link takes you to the website for Tomorrow's Queensland where you can read what Queenslanders have said already at the several community forums held around the state. Three more forums are planned - last one in SEQ is 3 November at Yeronga in Brisbane. Go online for details to register. Last forum is 5 November - so use the date to be guided for closing date for ideas to have your say. 

Fill in the online form which guides you to comment on the the 2 targets nominated by the Bligh government team for each area of economy, environment, education, health and communities. OR you can mail directly to the Premier at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Where do toxic industries fit in this vision? Not mentioned. Where does farming and food security fit in? Not mentioned. What does 50% more mean for nature conservation and public recreation? Is that measurable?  Your input can help to address your concerns. Lets find out if the government hears what we say!

The comments from the Logan forum are available here. All feedback is here.

 The SouthEast Queensland Regional Plan Review - 12 months earlier than originally planned is expected beginning December 2008. This will involve more "community consultation" opportunities. Please try to find time to participate in sharing ideas and growing our children's future on our single planet.

Read 2059 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42