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GREENBANK - Group does not need a hierarchy


Thank you to the reporters of Jimbooma Times for attending and covering community meetings. Many residents are interested in their community but are unable to attend meetings.

Letters to the editors allow us to air our views - not all of which are published.

This following letter to the editor is important for a few reasons. One of these is that it is essential that accuracy of reporting is important. What may have been discussed around the topic either before or after the meeting should not be presented as decisions within the meeting.

LETTER reads:

AS a resident and a community worker I have an aversion to incorrect information being disseminated in the community.
The article 'New centre is needed' published in the Jimboomba Times, 18 February 2009, states that 'Greenbank residents have voiced their support for a New Community Centre'.
I was one of the handful of community members in attendance, this does not represent 'the Greenbank residents' .
At the meeting several notions were discussed and notes taken at the meeting do not reflect support for a 'New Community Centre' .
As this group was accepted as a 'working group' by the few in attendance there is no need for a hierarchy.
This group was also accepted as an nominated by the community. This allows for community participation and input into formalising the working group.
The article omits information that four community members were nominated from the floor and that two of the nominees accepted the invitation to be a part of the working group.
Looking for funds at this point is not a viable option, there is much to be done before submissions can be made for land or a building. It can only be a vision and goal to work towards if the community agrees that this is what they want. The decision needs to be based on a majority of residents and not just eight or nine members. I urge the community to voice their opinions and have real input into this project.
Felicity Senhenn Greenbank


Read 1259 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42