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Wildlife Queensland would like to invite you to a special Quoll Seekers Network event!

What: Quoll Discovery Day

When: Sunday 30 October 2011 from 10am - 1.00pm

Where: Greenbank Sport and Recreation Club, 720 Middle Rd, Greenbank, Logan City, south of Brisbane.

Who: Leading quoll researcher Dr Scott Burnett; QSN project officer, Alina Zwar and a live quoll or 2 with Martin Fingland from Geckoes Wildife Presentations.

Why: To share knowledge about local quoll sightings and find out how to get involved with the surveys.

RSVP by 24 October to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Alina or Ewa on 3221 0194.

View or download FLYER here.

The spotted-tailed quoll is a cryptic creature - unlike its northern cousin which is highly visible in its habits and habitat close to humans. Our local quoll has been unseen in this area for over 70 years until road kill was taken by a local cyclist to the Queensland museum for identification a few years ago. This was positively identified as spotted-tailed quoll. Not a lot is really understood about these local wildlife creatures except that they are extremely elusive and shy. They are carnivorous, feed on road kill and have become road kill, are great climbers and are attracted to chickens, which has also lead to their death by angry farmers before they were listed as nationally endangered by the federal government under the EPBC Act.

Unfortunately there are many threats to the long term survival of many of our local wildlife within the bushland areas of Logan. Loss of habitat is the greatest threat as we clear bushland without adequate flora and fauna studies. There is as yet no legislated necessity for adequate connected core habitat to be conserved. Wild dogs and foxes - and our baiting methods to controll them are also a threat. The introduced cane toad also causes death of quolls.

ADOPT-A-QUOLL program offers one way to help. Find out about it here

Read 4781 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44