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natures_genius_closed_loopThe human species has much to learn to live a truly sustainable life within the resources that are provided on the planet. All species have to breathe drink eat and have shelter.  Nature has provided us with opportunities to model our lifestyles without destroying what we enjoy.

Who is listening and watching with an open mind? 

Michael Pawlyn delivers his talk : Using nature's genius in architecture here.

There is no waste within nature's ecosysyem services. All products, species have a role to play in a closed loop system. Our throw away - out of sight - out of mind lifestyle is creating many challenging for the global and local human community to research and solve in creative innovative ways. Biomimicy - when we understand the process and system - potentially has answres for us.

Business as usual is not the solution. Rushing in and rebuilding and repeating errors and poor decisions from the past is not the solution.

Michael Pawlyn describes three habits of nature that could transform architecture and society: radical resource efficiency, closed loops, and drawing energy from the sun.


Read 4940 times Last modified on Sunday, 27 September 2020 09:51