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GREENBANK people power

GREENBANK people power - sign the E-petition

ULDA_GreaterFlagstone_UDAGovernments - Queensland Government especially with the SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL PLAN SEQRP have been writing and talking about ecologically sustainable development   ESD and sustainability.

The eight hundred local residents who gathered on the grounds at Greenbank - outside the hall - to hear CEO for ULDA Mr Paul Eagles and his chief planner Steve Connor appreciate the time given by these busy men to listen to our community concerns. That is also a huge contribution from the local citizens to help our planners developers and government achieve the best possible outcome for our global community.

However using a word or expresion to describe an activity doen't make it so. In 1992, the Commonwealth Goverment offered its own definition of ESD

Ecologically sustainable development is using, conserving, and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased.

This description can in no way be applied to the current high density housing proposal which may / may not be appoved before any semblance of community engagement with freedom to access background studies ground truthed and peer reviewed by local specialists.

The community unease and disquiet with the fasttracking process was not eased when we all failed to have our questions answered with authenticity and veracity by the two government agents. ULDA is a government created government body created to prop-up a construction industry.

Because  insufficient safeguards are contained in current legislation to ensure the ULDA is held accountable and operates strictly in accordance with its charter, and particularly because of the ULDA's "non-appealable" decision making status, it has been allowed to place itself above all acceptable norms of fairness and equity, Ian Rickuss MP has sponsored the citizens' e-petition. The petition closes 20 August 2011.

Sign the petition here - you do not have to be 18 - but must understand what it means.

GREENBANK RESIDENTS DO NOT WANT GREENWASHING. We expect our government to provide leadership to find genuine twentyfirst century opportunities for solutions to the critical ecological situation we now face together. We expect our government to continue to provide listen to our concerns - as our elected representatives.

Read 4905 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44